Business Intelligence Research Report


Using appropriate authoritative sources, create a 1,500 word research report that:

  • explains the role of data analysis tools and data mining in contemporary organisations
    • identifies and explains the ethical implications around gathering, storing and using customer information

In Resources is an article by Dean, Payne and Landry (2016) which may be a good starting point for your research.
Your research should include such sources as the professional body articles as well as text books and peer reviewed academic journals. Vendor websites are not considered to be appropriate sources of information for this task. Use APA referencing in your report.




Q1 This assessment task has been designed to develop your ability interpret and evaluate the concepts covered in Topic 2. More specifically it seeks to assess your progress towards the learning outcome :

  • be able to evaluate accounting information system architecture and generate models of business events.

Q2 This assessment task has been designed to develop your ability to interpret and evaluate the concepts covered in Topic 3. More specifically it seeks to assess your ability to:

  • be able to explain the role of data analysis tools and data mining

Marking criteria


Criteria Maximum


HD (100-85%) DI (84-75%) CR (74-65%) PS (64-50%)
Generate model of business events. 10 Appropriate selection and exemplary use of a system tool in the creation of a detailed model of Emporium Trading Company’s procurement to payment business processes. Appropriate selection and detailed use of a system tool in the creation of a detailed model of Emporium Trading Company’s procurement to payment business processes. Appropriate selection and use of a system tool to create a model of Emporium Trading Company’s procurement to payment business processes. Selects an appropriate system tool and uses it to create some aspects of  Emporium Trading Company’s procurement to payment business processes.
   50 Consistent and logical application of correct symbols in accordance with guidelines for preparing flowcharts. Correct identification and labelling of all entities involved in the process. Consistent application of correct symbols with most of the guidelines for preparing flowcharts followed. Identification and labelling of all entities involved in the process. Correct symbols used and some of the guidelines for preparing flowcharts followed. Identification and labelling of entities involved in the process mostly correct. Correct symbols used with minor errors in labelling and structure of chart. Identification and labelling of entities involved in the process mostly correct.
   40 Uses narrative provided to accurately and logically prepare a document flowchart to represent the existing purchase to payment system. Uses narrative provided to logically prepare a document flowchart to represent the existing system from purchase to payment. Uses narrative to prepare a document flowchart that represents the existing system from purchase to payment with minor errors in logic or flow. Aspects of narrative used to prepare a document flowchart of the existing system from purchase to payment with some errors in logic and flow.
 Please note that this assessment question will be marked out of 100 and then that mark will be divided by 10 to give you a mark out of 10 for this question.


Criteria Maximum


HD (100-85%) DI (84-75%) CR (74-65%) PS (64-50%)
Explain the role of data analysis tools and data mining in contemporary organisations. 40 With reference to an extensive range of sources beyond the subject resources clearly define data analysis tools and data mining. Uses evidence based literature to provide a thorough explanation of the role of data analysis and data mining in contemporary organisations. With reference to a range of sources beyond the subject resources data analysis tools and data mining are defined. Uses evidence based literature to provide an explanation of the role of data analysis and data mining in contemporary organisations. With reference to sources beyond the subject resources, provides a definition of data analysis tools and data mining and explains the role of data analysis and data mining in contemporary organisations. Defines data analysis and data mining and discusses the role of data analysis and data mining in contemporary organisations with reference to subject resources.
Explain the ethical implications around gathering, storing and using customer information. 40 With reference to an extensive range of sources beyond the subject resources interprets the role of business ethics in contemporary organisations. Uses evidence based literature to clearly identify and evaluate ethical issues that exist in relation to gathering, storing and using customer information. With reference to a range of sources beyond the subject resources discusses the role of business ethics in contemporary organisations. Uses evidence based literature to differentiate between the ethical implications of gathering, storing and using customer information. With reference to sources beyond the subject resources discusses the ethical implications around gathering, storing and using customer information. Identifies the ethical implications around gathering, storing and using customer information with reference to subject resources.
Academic writing skills 20 Accurate use of syntax, spelling and punctuation. Correct report format used. APA referencing is correct and consistently applied. Accurate spelling and punctuation. Correct report format used. APA referencing is correct and consistently applied. Mostly accurate spelling and punctuation. Correct report format used. APA referencing is mostly correctly and consistently applied. Some spelling and grammar errors. Report format used with some errors or omissions. APA referencing is used with minor errors.
 Please note that this assessment question will be marked out of 100 and then that mark will be divided by 5 to give you a mark out of 20 for this question.



Q1 Document Flowchart requires you to use the guidelines for preparing flowcharts as presented in your prescribed textbook.


Assignments must be submitted through Turnitin.

You need to include your name, student ID and page number in the header or footer of every page of the assignment. Further details about presentation of your submission are provided in Appendix 1.

For this assessment you are required to use APA referencing to acknowledge the sources that you have used in preparing your assessment. Please refer to the CSU referencing guide:

Here is a link to a very useful tool you can use. It demonstrates how to correctly use in text referencing and the correct way to cite the reference in your reference list:


Data Analysis Tools and Data Mining in Contemporary Organizations


Question 1. 2

Question 2: Business Intelligence Research Report 3

Introduction. 3

Business Intelligence (BI). 3

Data analysis. 4

Data Mining. 4

Role of data analysis and Data Mining for organisation. 5

Decision Making. 5

Efficient availability of information. 6

Data Integration. 6

Business Planning. 6

Ethical Implication of Collecting, Storing and using information about customer. 6

Recommendation and Conclusion. 7

References. 9

Matching of Invoice with PO Notification

Account payable clerk
Clerk department

Question 1

Receiving department
PO Notification
Purchase Requisition
Receiving request
Vendor acknowledgement


Payable request
Make Payment
Prepare EFT file
Account department
Update account payable master file

Question 2: Business Intelligence Research Report

Introduction – In this research report we will discuss the research about business intelligence in the organisation.  Business intelligence is mainly related to analysis of data and information and mining of data for the selection of appropriate data. Data analysis and data mining is an important part for generating information for all kind of organisations. As information helps to organisation in business process hence we have discussed data analysis and data mining in this report and role of data analysis and data mining in organisation. Also in the report we have discussed implication of collecting, and storing of information regarding customer as well using that information in business process. Based on the analysis we have concluded about data analysis and data mining for organisation.

Business Intelligence (BI) – Business intelligence (BI) is term that incorporates the applications, framework and apparatuses, and best practices that empower access to and analysis of data to enhance and upgrade choices and execution. Business intelligence (BI) is an innovation driven process for examining data and displaying noteworthy data to help corporate officials, business supervisors and flip side clients settle on more educated business choices. BI incorporates a wide assortment of instruments, applications and philosophies that empower associations to gather data from interior frameworks and outer sources, set it up for analysis, create and run inquiries against the data, and make reports, dashboards and data representations to make the expository outcomes accessible to corporate leaders and additionally operational labourers.

BI data can incorporate authentic data, and in addition new data assembled from source frameworks as it is produced, empowering BI analysis to bolster both vital and strategic basic leadership forms. At first, BI devices were essentially utilized by data experts and other IT experts who ran investigations and created reports with question comes about for business clients. Progressively, be that as it may, business officials and labourers are utilizing BI programming themselves, on account of the advancement of self-administration BI and data disclosure devices.

The potential advantages of business intelligence programs incorporate quickening and enhancing basic leadership; streamlining inward business forms; expanding operational proficiency; driving new incomes; and increasing upper hands over business rivals. BI frameworks can likewise help organizations recognize showcase patterns and spot business issues that should be tended to.

Data analysis – The exponentially expanding measures of data being produced every year make getting valuable data from that data more basic. The data every now and again is put away in a data stockroom, an archive of data accumulated from different sources, including corporate databases, outlined data from interior frameworks, and data from outer sources. Analysis of the data incorporates straightforward inquiry and detailing, factual analysis, more intricate multidimensional analysis, and data mining. The advances are much of the time utilized as a part of CRM to examine examples and inquiry client databases. Huge amounts of data are sought and broke down to find valuable examples or connections, which are then used to foresee future conduct.

Data Mining – On a very basic level, data mining is about handling data and distinguishing examples and patterns in that data so you can choose or judge. Data mining standards have been around for a long time; however, with the coming of enormous data, it is much more common. These business-driven necessities changed basic data recovery and insights into more perplexing data mining. The business issue drives an examination of the data that constructs a model to portray the data that eventually prompts the production of the subsequent report.

It is later that the substantial data sets and the bunch and huge scale data preparing can permit data mining to order and provide details regarding gatherings and relationships of data that are more muddled. Presently a totally new scope of apparatuses and frameworks accessible, including joined data stockpiling and preparing frameworks. (Matthew D Dean, Dinah M Payne, Brett J.L. Landry, 2016)


Role of data analysis and Data Mining for organisation

Decision Making – Crude data depicts the raw numbers that an organization procedures consistently. In a retail domain, every deal will be recorded. Be that as it may, an organization will learn small taking a gander at every deal in disengagement. Data moves toward becoming data after it has been prepared to include setting, pertinence and reason. Analysis of day by day deals will uncover patterns and examples, for example, top shopping days or greatest offering things. Learning is an arrangement of convictions in light of the connection between snippets of data. A retailer may know to arrange extra cakes on a Tuesday on the grounds that these are his greatest offering thing each Wednesday.

Efficient availability of information – Albeit official collaboration with business intelligence and execution administration arrangements for the most part includes getting to and interfacing with dashboards and reports, it is as yet fundamental to see how backend data meets up to give the vital fixings to empower better basic leadership. In our current reality where specialty units are winding up plainly more independent and proficient about dealing with their general procedures using innovation, it turns out to be more essential to recognize the estimation of data and its collaboration.

Data Integration – Actually despite the fact that officials may not require this learning for their everyday errands, seeing how data interrelate just expands their capacity to connection data, execution, and technique all the more successfully. By distinguishing how business procedures and operations connection to data, associations can transform that data into data that can be utilized for basic leadership purposes. For example, numerous associations utilize diverse wellsprings of data for arranging, patterns analysis, and overseeing execution. Therefore, the estimation of the data is just in the same class as its purpose of section into the framework. This implies when leaders over the association are breaking down various numbers to settle on choices that will influence the organization, and the data does not make any sense the fault for why these numbers are invalid lies at the purpose of passage of the data into the operational frameworks. Data section blunders and preparing wasteful aspects are however a couple reasons for mistake inclined data that end up being utilized to drive an association’s choices.

Business Planning – Inside business intelligence applications acquiring the correct data at the ideal time winds up noticeably basic to revealing and analysis applications. Without exact data, the data being dissected and given an account of winds up plainly well for nothing. General reviews of how data joining functions will give a blueprint to chiefs who need a superior comprehension of how data is accumulated to help with the basic leadership prepare. Albeit apparently unimportant, little disparities can have a huge effect to an organization’s main concern. In any case, if data quality control activities exist especially as for the data that is utilized to drive basic leadership, the photo changes as a more extensive and more right perspective of the data ends up noticeably accessible.

Ethical Implication of Collecting, Storing and using information about customer – Ethically data collected from customer should be used for solely for which data has been collected. Use of customer data other than purpose for which is collected is term as unethical use of customer data. Also using customer data required approval from the customer about it. Our own data is all over the place, in any case. Organizations gather email locations and additionally amid enrolment for prizes cards and store advancements. Diversions, interests, and everyday schedules are caught from online networking posts, internet searcher questions, and GPS following. Organizations are making sense of better approaches to utilize this client data for their advertising endeavours and to enhance their administrations.

Most clients acknowledge that their data is gathered and broke down, frequently for their own particular advantage it can help spare time and cash and lead them to items and administrations they need. They simply don’t care for when this exploration is managed without their insight. There is a great deal of guarantee for utilizing client data in showcasing and advancement. Something as straightforward as a telephone application sending a notice about an eatery suggestion or item deal when a client is in the region could be useful to both sides.

Recommendation and Conclusion – Since data analysis is such a key technique for creating information from the gigantic measures of business data gathered and put away every day, ventures need to choose the data analysis devices with care. This will help guarantee that the instruments’ qualities coordinate the necessities of their business. Associations must know about how the instruments are to be utilized and their target group. It is essential to consider the Internet, and in addition the necessities of portable clients and power clients, and to evaluate the abilities and learning of the clients and the measure of preparing that will be expected to get the most profitability from the instruments. Visual instruments are exceptionally useful in speaking to complex connections in arrangements that are simpler to comprehend than segments of numbers spread over a screen. Key ranges of revelation found with visual apparatuses can then be highlighted for more definite analysis to separate valuable data. Visual apparatuses additionally offer a more regular route for individuals to investigate data than doe’s mental understanding of a spreadsheet.

Associations ought to likewise nearly consider the apparatus interface introduced to clients, in light of the fact that an excessively unpredictable or jumbled interface will prompt higher preparing costs, expanded client disappointment, and mistakes. Merchants are attempting to make their apparatuses as well disposed as could be allowed, yet leaders ought to likewise consider client customization issues, in light of the fact that a push-catch interface may not give the adaptability their business needs. While data analysis instruments are getting to be plainly less complex, more sophisticate procedures will require particular staff. Data mining, specifically, can require included skill since results can be hard to translate and maybe ought to be checked utilizing different strategies.

References –


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