Phases Of The Nuclear Power



Select an actual current event that has ethical, legal and professional implications and has taken place in the context of a negotiation. An example might be the North Korean events on their atomic nuclear activities. Based on chapters 1 through 8 create an essay in the ESSAY FORMAT describing all of the relevant issues and aspects highlighting specific facts that you can attribute to the topics cover the negotiations of the issues. Be sure to cover examples of how your readings helped to resolve the final resolution or agreement. Please submit in APA compliant style.

Assignment Outcomes
Critique leadership structures that can be identified within an organization.




In this paper, we are going the stages of development through which North Korea has become a nation of Supreme nuclear power. The paper will discuss the various reasons why North Korea has struggled through many domestic and international affairs and found its way over the years to become one Nation that can produce weapons for mass destruction. Over the years the development of nuclear power in North Korea can be divided into few phases through which the nation has gathered basic knowledge about the uses and applicability of the power, and it’s advanced recharges (Kwon, 2012).

The initiation of the nuclear programmed started in North Korea in the 50s. Until the year 1989 North Korea has only get basic information about the power and its usability. But the actual research work started after the collapse of Soviet Union which was one of the allies of North Korea. After the cold war, there have been many conflicts between the United States and North Korea. This became one of the reasons for the country to invest its resources in the development of nuclear energy.


Phases of the nuclear power

1st phase

In the first phase, the training and basic knowledge gathering process were the main starting point for the country and its long dress of developing the mass destruction weapons. This knowledge gaining process was continued until 1980.In the initial years, the scientists from the Soviet Union train the engineers and nuclear experts in North Korea about the basic principles of nuclear science. The Soviet Union has also found nuclear cooperation agreement in the year 1959 with North Korea. Between the years 1970 and 1980 North Korea has started to build its own uranium mining operations at various locations from Sunchon to Pyongsan (Harrison, 2015).

2nd phase

In the initial years of the second stage, North Korea has started to build and refine yellow cake to produce fuel for the reactors. After the end of the cold war, the United States Government learn about the development of a nuclear power station in North Korea. In the year 1990 North Korea conduct some great number of high explosive experiments. From the next year onwards the United States government has started to deploy nuclear weapons in South Korea which have resulted in about 950 warheads until the year 1967 (Smith, 2012).

In the year 1994, the United States and North Korea government signed an agreement that clearly mentioned the suspension of plutonium production with an exchange offer together fuel oil and the production of modern nuclear power stations.

3rd phase

In the year 2002, it has been made clear over the long stretch of the year that North Korea has a complete set of the production unit of Uranium and it has been seriously considering the fact about producing a much larger mass destruction weapons in its competition with the United States. In many Press conferences and the United States declaration, it has been made clear that North Korea has been working on building a strong nuclear program with the help of launching satellites over the Japanese and keeping track of United States in nuclear power stations. In a press meet the president of United States at that time has also confirmed that North Korea is becoming a country to threaten the peace of the world with its nuclear power. The United State government has also stated that there are going to stop all the shipments to North Korea if they do not stop their nuclear search work immediately (Niksch, 2015).

But in response, North Korea has declined any intention of suspension in its nuclear research work. It has continued its production of Uranium and plutonium in various States.

4th phase

In 2003 South Korea initiated to have a word with China to separate North Korea to reduce its initiatives in producing nuclear issues. In response, the North Korea government has announced to start and withdrawal its nuclear non-proliferation treaty. In the next few months in South Korea and United States government has announced to start and get together in a joint military Army in response to the aggressiveness of North Korea. In the next few months, it has also been made clear that North Korea is continuing to produce fuel rods for reactors and they are being successful in making them. August 2003 North Korea has started to gather importance in the six Nation talks in Beijing, and the meeting has drastically failed in maintaining the differences between Washington and the North Korean Government. In 2004 the North Korea government allowed group of scientists to investigate the nuclear power station in its capital. The report of the investigation states that United States scientists have found evidence in the production of weapon grade plutonium. But on the other hand, there is no evidence of the production of nuclear bombs (Wilson, 2004).


In the previous research paper, we have mentioned about the various stages through which the research and development of nuclear power have emerged in North Korea. The reason behind its initiation and the international powers that help in the development of this country in making it a foothold into nuclear power energy. The study also describes the international powers who has been threatened by the research world that North Korea has been doing over the years. Some of the research works have also been getting away from the knowledge of the world to make the process of research undisturbed.


Wilson, D. B. (2004). North Korean nuclear weapons. Naval War College Review57(1), 129-132.

Niksch, L. A. (2015, January). North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons Program. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS WASHINGTON DC CONGRESSIONAL RESEARCH SERVICE.

Spector, L. S., & Smith, J. R. (2012). North Korea: The next nuclear nightmare. Arms Control Today;(USA)21(2).

Harrison, S. S. (2015). Did North Korea Cheat. Foreign Aff.84, 99.

Laney, J. T., & Shaplen, J. T. (2013). How to deal with North Korea. Foreign Affairs, 16-30.

Ford, G., & Kwon, S. (2012). North Korea on the Brink. London: Pluto Press.

Huntington, S. P. (2014). The clash of civilizations?. Foreign affairs, 22-49.


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