Report On Recruitment In An Industry/Organisation



Select an organisation or industry as the case study for your report. Identify some of the key challenges for recruiting the workforce for this organisation/industry, and recommend strategies to address these challenges. Your report should make reference to factors such as labour supply/demand, organisational image, demographic issues (such as an ageing workforce, generations, diversity etc), as well as recruitment strategies such as employer branding and types of advertising.

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Table of Contents

Executive Summary. 1

Introduction. 3

Main Body of the Analysis. 3

Conclusion and recommendation. 6

References. 7


Woolworths has been a famous retail brand of Australia, and in various places, this organization could be found. This organization has a huge customer base, and the company could be able to execute all sorts of activities with the help of effective staffing and recruitment policy. By the help of this process, a fruitful and effective outcome could be evaluated. Recruitment is the way by which efficient and skillful manpower for the business process could be selected. In this case, respective management has the target to select a proper pathway to choose right kind of people for the business functionalities. In this case, some of the strategies and objectives have been taken to highlight the basic principle and operational aspects of the business. By the help of this way, it could be said that each and every organizational management needs to concentrate closely on this matter to evaluate the suitable outcome. There are lots of challenges and obstacles present in the recruitment and selection process; those could harm the overall growth and functionalities of the business (Costen, 2012). It would be the sheer duty of the management to make a suitable plan of action so that they could be able to get the effective outcome in the system. The retail industry is the sector where employees must have to be dynamic and flexible enough so that they could be able to give proper support to their customers. In this particular paper different types of challenges associated with the retail functionality could be understood in an appropriate manner. By getting the outcome of this paper management of Woolworths could be able to execute a suitable platform to recruit new staffs and employees for the business process. Various ways and procedures also have been driven which could make a strong intervention in the recruitment process of the business process.

Main Body of the Analysis

The overall paper is showcasing the recruitment process of Woolworths and different types of challenges associated with it. After having analysis, it has been found that Woolworths normally does several elements for doing recruitment in the business premises. They normally focus on the mass recruitment process through a social media and advertisement agency. In this case, they offer to the interested candidates to visit the company for the interview process. People have to give interview and aptitude test for the recruitment process. If they only hire for retail branch operations, then they only take interviews, but if they look for supervisors and any other position, then they do both interview and aptitude tests.  In this case, different challenges have been highlighted in a significant and efficient manner.

Challenges in the case of the recruitment process: There are lots of challenges present which might play a critical role in the business process and operations. In this case, some of them have been highlighted below;

Organizational Image: According to various researchers; it could be said that organizational image has always been playing a serious role in the case of business value and operations (Wood & Payne, 1998). Recruitment is also hampered due to this factor. An organization must have the duty to retain their skillful employees in such way that they could get more advantage in the marketplace. By the help of their strong intervention, an effective outcome in the organizational premises could be expected. The organization must have the duty to create a proper brand image of the business. Researchers have stated that it is a psychological demand of every human being to be the part of a secured and branded service. For this reason, if the organization couldn’t have appropriate brand image and recognition then they might lose to retain efficient and skillful staffs for the business. As per the feedback and activities of Woolworths, it could be said that they also faced similar types of problems at their initial period, but right now they have gained massive popularity in the market, and people have good thinking and ideologies over this particular business. For this reason, Woolworths now has the most efficient manpower for the retail service.

Image of the job role:  Job role has always been very important for retaining high-class staffs and employees in the business premises. Effective job offering improvises the mindset of the human being. In this case, respective management of the business process must have to be efficient enough so that they can place appropriate people in appropriate position. Along with the organizational identity, this thing also could be said as important in the case of the recruitment process. In this case, each and every person wants to be the part of Woolworths as they believe the organization has the capability to place them in appropriate position.

Labour Market:  For every single business organization it would be highly needed to check the labor market before executing any strategy and operation. By the help of this process, it could be said that potential among the labor force also plays a crucial factor in the business process as their potential outcome can decide the future of the business process. Woolworths is normally giving job position by qualification and skill. They put people by skills and potential. Demand and supply of labor force also play a significant role. For example; if Woolworths will post a job role for the retail supervisors then a number of people for the interview will be higher as the demand of this job is high. On the other hand, if Woolworths open a position for software development then they might face the trouble for less skill. For handling the job role like software development, the efficient and skillful employee will also have to be needed. This aspect might create big trouble for the business process in the recruitment and selection.

Labour Laws: Different nations have different rules and regulations regarding the recruitment process. Mainly legal guidelines are showcasing the legal norms during the agreement with the staffs and employees. These types of agreements are normally made during the offerings of job and problems sometimes created in that case. Lots of issues can de-motivate the staffs for not joining the organization like a poor retirement plan, poor business environment, and poor wages, etc. Management of Woolworths have strongly agreed with the issue, and according to them, Woolworths focuses on all kinds of Australian employment guidelines and norms. For this reason, they could be able to gain success in the organizational premises.

Demographic Factors:  Lots of demographic factors must have to be kept in mind by the management of business organization during the recruitment process. There are lots of demographic variables preset like aging issues, diversified workforce, etc. In a recruitment process sometimes the management has to give priority the norm over the skill (Rees & Rumbles, 2010). For example, Woolworths has been able to make a diversified workforce, but sometimes this type of issue creates problems in the business premises. On the other hand, senior staffs with skill couldn’t be allowed in the workplace. Through this process, an organization can lose their recruitment value.

Through the overall discussion, different recruitment challenges in the organizational premises could be understood. These types of challenges can hamper the overall growth and operational activities of the business process like Woolworths.

Recommended Strategies for addressing those challenges

As discussed in the above section lots of challenges in the organizational premises regarding the recruitment process. Appropriate recruitment strategies would have to be made for getting a suitable outcome at the end of the employment process. Woolworths is the company that has been dealing in retail business, and through the overall discussion, various challenges associated with Woolworths and all other business organization could be understood. For this reason, in this case, significant approaches have been used which could be able to mitigate all kinds of issues and challenges in the organizational premises.  Some of the processes of mitigating challenges in the recruitment process have been mentioned below,

Maintaining appropriate protocol for the recruitment process: recruitment process must have to focus on appropriate protocol so that a significant outcome could be evolved. In this case, Woolworths and its recruitment HR management must have to focus on these issues so that appropriate outcome could be evaluated and through this efficient process employee could be retained.

Employer Branding: Employer branding is the process of promoting a single individual in the working premises (Lievens & Chapman, 2010). By the help of this process, people could be familiar with a single individual, and that can be helpful for the organizational recruitment process, and through this process, an effective outcome could be obtained. Employer branding is the process which can motivate an individual for getting into the business process. There are lots of people present in Woolworths who could be put in the iconic characteristics. Through this process, a fruitful outcome could be evaluated.

Advertising process: There are various advertising processes present in the market which could be used for the recruitment announcement. Appropriate media must have to be used for promoting the recruitment process among the candidates or interested people so that they can get proper information about this matter. After having analysis, it could be said that significant outcome could be evaluated. By the help of this procedure management of an organization sends their message to the respective target people and through this process a significant outcome must be expected. There are different types of advertising Medias present in the market like print media or digital media. Privacy of the data must have to be kept properly in this so that ethical considerations would be maintained.  In the print media also, each and every data needs to be proper and ethical.

Through the above-mentioned procedures proper recruitment process could be arranged, and through this process, all kinds of obstacles could be evaluated. By the help of this process, an effective solution could be evaluated.

Conclusion and recommendation

By the help of this paper, a smooth justifications over the recruitment process could be understood. Recruitment process always possesses some challenges and it would be the utmost duty of the management of an organization must have to reduce all kinds of challenges through appropriate tools and techniques. By the help of this process significant and efficient outcome could be expected. In this paper, Woolworths Company has been taken for the analysis purpose and the organization deals in retail business (Newell, 2005). After having analysis, it could be said that proper interventions and strategies of the management can enhance the potential of the recruitment process. In this case, three important ways to mitigate the challenges have been highlighted. By the help of this process smooth and effective outcome regarding project could be evolved. This process will help to execute smooth operational example of the selection and recruitment process. Each and every single business organization must have to focus on these issues so that a fruitful result could be found.


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