Introduction And Reflective Journal Scope


Assessment 3:  Individual Reflective Journal.

For this assessment, students are expected to write a weekly journal over the duration of the 12-week teaching period that documents a critical analysis of their learning process. In the journal students need to reflect/review how they have progressed with the learning goals related to assessments 1 and 2.

Students need to write their individual reflective journal concurrently to performing assessment tasks 1 and 2, i.e. from the first week of the subject. For each week, students need to make journal entries that provide a reflection of their ‘journey’ of gaining, and applying knowledge of the research paradigm. For each week students should reflect and compare the theoretical knowledge with what they apply into practice. As assessment 1 and 2 are completed, students should clearly identify learning goals achieved.

Table of Contents

Introduction and Reflective Journal Scope. 2

Critical reflective Analysis. 2

Learning Achieved. 2

Critical Thinking. 3

Future Implications of Learning. 4

Conclusion. 4

References. 5

Introduction and Reflective Journal Scope

The undertaken assignment has focused upon developing a specific research literature review and research proposal for analyzing the impacts that the use of social media sites can have on a business organization. The assignment has focused upon development of a critical literature review concerning the overall use and implications of social media to businesses in their respective industry market of operations and activities. Now considering the scope of the literature review, it has significantly facilitated me to identify as well as address the key research gaps existing in context of the selected research field or area regarding the use and implications of social media to business organizations in larger extents. The literature review has enabled to gain a detailed insight and knowledge into the aspect of social media and its use or influences on the operations or activities of business organizations in their respective industry markets. The utilities of social media in context of marketing activities of an organization has been clearly defined and identified from completion of the literature review along with analysis of the key research or literature gaps concerning the chosen research field or area. Now considering the scope of the research proposal, the proposal has facilitated the development or construction of the key research aims and objectives along with showcasing a brief background to the research area. The development of the research auctions have been done based upon the gaps identified from the literature review.  In addition, the undertaken research proposal in assessment two has also been able to identify and evaluate the key research procedures which can be used or implemented for the purpose of successful completion of the undertaken research study. The use and implementation of correct research procedures or methods such as the research approach, research philosophy, the data collection methods along with the data sampling processes and the ethical considerations have been clearly discussed in the proposal completed under assessment two.

Critical reflective Analysis

Learning Achieved

The undertaken assessments have significantly catered to my overall learning needs which in turn have made me more knowledgeable about the market dynamics which are essential for a future manager. Over the years, social media has majorly emerged to be one of the most popular marketing and promotional platforms for the business organizations. The assessments have significantly enabled me to learn and develop myself concerning the domain knowledge related to the elements of social media and its use in developing the market growth opportunities for the respective businesses. The completion of the assessments has also enabled me to understand the influences r importance that social media can serve to business organizations in their respective markets. In addition, the assessments have also offered a detailed knowledge and insight into the influences that social media can have on the marketing or promotional performance or activities among business organizations. I have been able to learn and acquire the key knowledge regarding the different ethical behaviours that are required to be exhibited by a business organization while using or implementing social media in their business activities and operations. I have also learned how to establish the research aims and objectives considering the development of a successful research proposal. Through successful completion of the assessments I have learned how to formulate the research questions based upon the gaps identified from the literature review. The learning achieved from the assessments have also benefited me in terms of effectively analyzing and identifying the different steps and procedures which are needed to be implemented for the purpose of developing a well structured research methodology which is required for the purpose of a successful research completion. I have gained a detailed knowledge and idea regarding the different elements that a researcher must considering while developing as well as execution of the correct research methodology for higher research success and completion.

Critical Thinking

The undertaken assessments have clearly leveraged or improved my overall critical thinking in terms of the domain knowledge associated with the use of social media in business organizations. From the assessments, I have learned that social media when correctly used or implemented can effectively serve to be powerful platform for business organizations in terms of promotion and marketing of their products and services among a significantly wider customer group or audiences.  By developing the literature review, I have learnt that the use of social media marketing can offer the business organizations with generation of a well recognized brand image or awareness in the respective markets which is needed to high business sustainability in the competitive global business environment. I have learnt that the use and implementation of the social media websites or the web pages can offer the business organizations with a much cost efficient marketing solution that are needed for achievement or development of high business growth and success. The learning has also improved my critical thinking in regards to how the correct and rightful use of social media websites can lead to development of effective customer relations that is required for high business sustenance in the highly competitive as well as dynamic global business environment. I have also been able to gain sufficient knowledge or idea regarding both the positive as well as the negative influences which the using of social media websites can have on the business operations of an organization. By completion of the assessments I was able to learn and asses the needs of ethical behaviour in context of use of social media by businesses.  In addition, the assessments have also allowed me in gaining of critical idea or knowledge regarding how to successfully develop a research proposal along with accurately establishing the research objectives, aims and the research questions. I have also gained a detailed knowledge and critical insight into the needs of a proper research methodology identifying the key research procedures used. The different elements concerning the development of a research methodology has been clearly understood by successful completion of the research proposal. In this context, it can be said that the overall critical knowledge and thinking achieved by completion of the undertaken assessments will effectively cater to my future growth and developments as a manager.

Future Implications of Learning

The overall learning achieved from successful completion of the assessments, will eventually cater to my overall development needs and growth as a future manager. The learning achieved has enabled me to enhance or develop my overall domain knowledge regarding the use and implementation of social media in businesses. The detailed knowledge and understanding of the different elements of social media and its implications on marketing will significantly benefit me in terms of correctly implementing or utilizing social media as a future manager of a business organization. The overall knowledge and learning achieved will eventually cater to my future growth and development needs.


This assignment has focused upon conducting a detailed individual reflection based upon the previous assessments 1 and 2. The brief introduction and the project scope has been clearly identified in the report following by the critical analysis and assessment of the overall learning achieved. The learning gained from the successful completion of the assessments have been successfully reflected along with reflecting upon the critical knowledge gained from the assessments. The future implications of the learning has also been evaluated and identified in the reflection report.


  1. Chretien, K., Goldman, E. and Faselis, C., 2011. The reflective writing class blog: using technology to promote reflection and professional development.Journal of general internal medicine23(12), pp.2066-2070. Mezirow, J., 2012. How critical reflection triggers transformative learning. Fostering critical reflection in adulthood1, p.20.
  2. Gray, D.E., 2013. Facilitating management learning: Developing critical reflection through reflective tools.Management learning38(5), pp.495-517.
  3. Holly, M.L., 2010. Reflective writing and the spirit of inquiry.Cambridge Journal of Education19(1), pp.71-80.
  4. Hoover, L.A., 2014. Reflective writing as a window on preservice teachers’ thought processes.Teaching and Teacher Education10(1), pp.83-93.


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