Part A: Annotated Bibliography

Writers  have to choose 12- 14 references based on the topic which is “Business Communication and Facebook in Organisations” .. Then briefly examine and review the references in 1500 Words. References are not included in word count.
Referencing style is APA 7th edition.
I will send u an example it will be easy for the writer
But this is different topic
My friend topic is about last one which your writer did it on Bussiness communications and facebook in Organisation.











Table of Contents

Article 1. 3

Article 2. 4

Article 3. 5

Article 4. 5

Article 5. 7

Article 6. 8

Article 7. 9

Article 8. 10

Article 9. 11

Article 10. 12

Reference list 14




Article 1

Citation Pucihar, A., Borštnar, M. K., Kittl, C., Ravesteijn, P., Clarke, R., & Bons, R. (2017). Use of Facebook and Google Platforms for SMEs Business Model Innovation. 30TH Bled eConference: Digital Transformation–From Connecting Things to Transforming Our Lives, 169.
Annotation The authors of this article are faculty members of Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania and Delft University of Technology, Netherlands. Intended audience of this article is SME business owners practicing in Lithuania. The bibliography topic as selected is to explore the usability of Facebook as a business communication tool. This work has effectively illuminated the bibliography topic because case study methods apply on two Lithuanian SMEs. It has been established that use of Facebook platform is effective for SME business model innovation. This is possible as business communication is being created on this online platform by the selected SMEs. It has found to be suitable for reaching new target customers, maintaining customer relationships, and making appropriate adjustments to business value propositions. This establishes importance of Facebook in business because it is a preferable communication platform for today’s business owners (Pucihar et al. 2017). In contrast, Ye & Ki (2017) stated that Facebook is effective for business organisations to deal with crisis and being attached with their customers through social media platform.


Article 2

Citation Ye, L., & Ki, E. J. (2017). Organizational crisis communication on Facebook. Corporate Communications: An International Journal. p.80.
Annotation Authors of this article are Lan Ye and Eyun-Jung Ki who are affiliated to State University of New York at Cortland and The University of Alabama respectively. Intended audience of this article is those business owners who are struggling about managing communication requirements with stakeholders to come out from a crisis. Authors of this article have gone through BP’s Deepwater Horizon oil spill case study taking into account BP’s crisis communication messages on its official Facebook page and comments of Facebook users on BP America’s crisis response strategies. Revelation from this case study analysis is that Facebook has become an effective communication medium for BP to interact with its stakeholders, inform its stakeholders about its crisis response strategies, as well as convince them about BP’s satisfactory role in crisis management (Ye & Ki (2017). The findings suggest that Facebook can be used as a suitable communication medium for influencing stakeholders’ decision processes, even during business crises. A similar observation is obtained when Abuhashesh et al. (2019) have confirmed that Facebook can effectively be used for influencing hospitality consumers’ decision process through digitised information making.


Article 3

Citation Thelen, P. D., & Men, R. L. (2018). Strategic use of Facebook for public engagement in higher education institutions. Public Relations Journal, 12(2), 1-27.
Annotation One of the two authors of this article is a Ph.D. student in Public Relations at University of Florida, while the other one is associate professor belonging to the Department of Public Relations at the same university. Intended audience of this article is marketers from higher education institutes who are finding it difficult to use Facebook as a strategic communication platform to facilitate public engagement. This study has effectively illuminated the bibliography topic as it has confirmed through a cross-sectional study that dialogic capacity can be explored and exploited through Facebook platform can play major roles in increasing public awareness about a business, as well as level of engagement with that business. This is possible since Facebook-based dialogic responses are suitable for developing relationships and generating engagement (Thelen & Men, 2018). Pucihar et al. (2017) develop a supportive interpretation where strategic use of this platform can help a business to reach new target customers.


Article 4

Citation Mazza, B., & Palermo, A. (2018). Social media content for business and user engagement on Facebook. ESSACHESS-Journal for Communication Studies, 11(1), 49-73.
Annotation Authors of this article are associate professors attached with the Department of Communication and Social Research, University of Rome. Intended audience of this article is business organisations who are thinking about how to utilise Facebook platform strategically to enhance user engagement with products and services offered by the business. This peer-reviewed article effectively illuminated selected bibliography topic as by conducting a survey on 18 multinational companies the researchers have come down to establish that Facebook can regularly be used by organisations to present themselves most suitably to service users and communicating with them. This is possible since dialogic content being entered through Facebook pages can easily stimulate user engagement through creation of appropriate indexes (Mazza & Palermo, 2018). (Hendirek et al. 2021) can gain a similar confirmation through research. According to these scholars, user engagement is increased through Facebook communication, which can promote purchase intention of tourism product/service users. Contradictory comments from these two articles define that Facebook is an effective communication tool for business.


Article 5

Citation Hendirek, I. H., Abdul Satal, M. S., Lorin, V., Mohd Zaidi, N. M., & Mohamad Musa, N. (2021). Purchase intention of tourism products and services promoted through Facebook among millennial in Malaysia. ESTEEM Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 5(1), 88-100.
Annotation Authors of this article are faculty members of Hotel and Tourism Management at Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Sabah, Malaysia. Intended audience of this research paper are tourism industry players to make them knowledgeable about how to identify potential tourism customers from Facebook users. Reason behind selection of this article is that it has contributed in supporting this bibliography topic as it has confirmed through an SPSS-based quantitative data analysis that Facebook can be used as a satisfactory tool for communicating with millennial tourism customers, while influencing and encouraging them to purchase tourism packages through strategic dialogic interventions (Hendirek et al. 2021). This observation is in conformity with the observation forwarded by (Blazquez, Rodriguez & Teijeiro, 2020). A documentary analysis by these researchers involving five top universities of Spain revealed that Facebook is a preferable marketing communication tool through which marketing strategies can be executed and fulfilled. Contrasting approaches of reaching to and influencing customers are associated with use of Facebook in business environment.


Article 6

Citation Hannah, M. A., & Lam, C. (2017). Drawing from available means: Assessing the rhetorical dimensions of Facebook practice. International journal of business communication, 54(3), 235-257. 10.1177/2329488415572788
Annotation Authors of this article are faculty members at Arizona State University and University of North Texas. Intended audience of this article are those organisations who may be finding it difficult to exacerbate their Facebook practice towards moderating state-of-the-art marketing communication. Those who are struggling in this respect can be benefitted from the survey results that are based on analysis of 680 Facebook posts collected from 6 multinational companies. Result as obtain has reinforced the fact that Facebook is a must-use marketing communication tool by today’s marketers. However, it has also been confirmed that satisfactory results can only be obtained when an organisation is strategic in terms of content type, post frequency, illocutionary act, media, and linking style (Hannah & Lam, 2017). Antoniadis et al. (2020) forward a supportive observation as researchers have accumulated evidence from Facebook to confirm that social media can be utilised as a strategic marketing tool, even by small firms, in economic and physical terms.


Article 7

Citation Antoniadis, I., Paltsoglou, S., Vasios, G., & Kyratsis, P. (2020). Online engagement factors on posts in food facebook brand pages in greece. In Strategic Innovative Marketing and Tourism, 365-373.
Annotation Authors of this journal article are faculty members at University of Western Macedonia and University of the Aegean, Greece. Intended audience of this research paper are those food brands that are finding it difficult to maintain a high-level of customer engagement through social networking-based marketing. Appropriateness of selection of this article in this context is that the researchers have assessed factors that can increase engagement level of Facebook posts utilised by food brands. Results as obtained suggest that vividness of contents matters more compared to status of posts, videos and posting time. Thus, organisations that can become strategic in increasing vividness of contents of Facebook posts will be eligible to experience higher level of user engagement with offered products/services (Antoniadis et al. 2020). Research-based observation as developed by Mazza & Palermo (2018) is complementing these findings. According to this study, it is conveyed by these researchers that when organisations are strategic in using and entering type of contents on Facebook pages, this can act as a stimulator to facilitate user engagement.


Article 8

Citation Blazquez, F., Rodriguez, C., & Teijeiro, M. (2020). A new era of communication in Higher Education. Facebook as a marketing tool. Revista ESPACIOS, 41(06).
Annotation Authors of this article are faculty members at University of A Coruña, Department of Business, and Spain. Intended audience of this article are marketers attached with higher educational institutes located in Spain. This research has been efficient in illuminating the current bibliography topic as it has effectively arrived at accomplishing two-fold aims through a documentary analysis involving 5 Spanish universities. On one hand, it has identified the importance of social media to improve knowledge exchange through facilitative communication. On another hand, the study has effectively explored realities of Facebook usage in context of marketing communication management. Result reveals that Facebook is an online platform for higher educational institutes towards generating greater opportunities for marketing communication, and thereby, becoming more and more strategic in creating appeal amongst potential Facebook users about offered educational services (Blazquez, Rodriguez & Teijeiro, 2020). Thelen & Men (2018) have obtained a similar result as it has been confirmed through a quantitative analysis that Facebook message appeals can play major roles in enhancing public’s levels of engagement with offered services by an educational organisation.


Article 9

Citation Abuhashesh, M., Al-Khasawneh, M., Al-Dmour, R., & Masa’Deh, R. (2019). The impact of Facebook on Jordanian consumers’ decision process in the hotel selection. IBIMA Business Review, 1-16. 10.5171/2019.928418
Annotation Authors of this journal article are from Princess Sumaya University for Technology and The University of Jordan. Intended audience of this research is hoteliers in Jordan. This study has effectively illuminated the bibliography topic as it has conducted a quantitative study involving Jordanian hotel customers to establish that Facebook can be used as a suitable social media platform for interacting with hotel customers and influencing their decision-making process regarding hotel selection. It is further revealed that through Facebook, hotel customers can be exposed to digital information that can influence their decision-making journey for selection of hotels (Abuhashesh et al. 2018). In contrast, Blazquez, Rodriguez & Teijeiro (2020) refers Facebook as sophisticated platform for executing marketing communication tactics and thereby, reaching potential target customers. In terms of marketing platform, Facebook attracts customers towards a business through exaggerating characteristics of a business to customers. Argument between these two resources is relevant for business improvement because approaches are different for use of Facebook in business; however, growth is associated with approaches.


Article 10

Citation Galati, A., Crescimanno, M., Tinervia, S., & Fagnani, F. (2017). Social media as a strategic marketing tool in the Sicilian wine industry: Evidence from Facebook. Wine Economics and Policy, 6(1), 40-47.
Annotation Authors of this journal article are faculty members at the Department of Agricultural and Forest Sciences, Università degli Studi di Palermo, Italy. Intended audience of this research paper are those organisations that are struggling to integrate social media into their communication and media plan to facilitate organisation’s marketing dynamics. Author illustrates on effectiveness of Facebook in business environment, which is bibliography topic and findings suggested that social media, and more specifically, Facebook could be utilised as a strategic marketing tool in terms of high values of communication intensity, information richness, and strategic marketing responsiveness (Galati et al. 2017). This observational discourse is aligned with findings of Antoniadis et al. 2020 because author compares impact of Facebook with decision-making factor of a customer through influences from outer world. Accordingly, it is made evident through a quantitative study that impact of Facebook posts is immense to navigate and influence consumer’s decision-making preferences, even in a highly fragmented hotel industry.



Reference list

Abuhashesh, M., Al-Khasawneh, M., Al-Dmour, R., & Masa’Deh, R. (2019). The impact of Facebook on Jordanian consumers’ decision process in the hotel selection. IBIMA Business Review, 1-16. 10.5171/2019.928418

Antoniadis, I., Paltsoglou, S., Vasios, G., & Kyratsis, P. (2020). Online engagement factors on posts in food facebook brand pages in greece. In Strategic Innovative Marketing and Tourism, 365-373.

Blazquez, F., Rodriguez, C., & Teijeiro, M. (2020). A new era of communication in Higher Education. Facebook as a marketing tool. Revista ESPACIOS41(06).

Galati, A., Crescimanno, M., Tinervia, S., & Fagnani, F. (2017). Social media as a strategic marketing tool in the Sicilian wine industry: Evidence from Facebook. Wine Economics and Policy6(1), 40-47.

Hannah, M. A., & Lam, C. (2017). Drawing from available means: Assessing the rhetorical dimensions of Facebook practice. International journal of business communication54(3), 235-257. 10.1177/2329488415572788

Hendirek, I. H., Abdul Satal, M. S., Lorin, V., Mohd Zaidi, N. M., & Mohamad Musa, N. (2021). Purchase intention of tourism products and services promoted through Facebook among millennial in Malaysia. ESTEEM Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities5(1), 88-100.

Mazza, B., & Palermo, A. (2018). Social media content for business and user engagement on Facebook. ESSACHESS-Journal for Communication Studies11(1), 49-73.

Pucihar, A., Borštnar, M. K., Kittl, C., Ravesteijn, P., Clarke, R., & Bons, R. (2017). Use of Facebook and Google Platforms for SMEs Business Model Innovation. 30TH Bled eConference: Digital Transformation–From Connecting Things to Transforming Our Lives, 169.

Thelen, P. D., & Men, R. L. (2018). Strategic use of Facebook for public engagement in higher education institutions. Public Relations Journal12(2), 1-27.

Ye, L., & Ki, E. J. (2017). Organizational crisis communication on Facebook. Corporate Communications: An International Journal. p.80.



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