Implication Of Six CS Model Of Nursing In Addressing The Clinical Complication Of Handling And Supporting The Area Of Acute Care Units


Identify a clinical issue and select ONE nursing model that can be used to address that issue.

Minimum four references are required. These references must be <_10 years old.

Define the model, justify how it can be used to address your topic, and link its elements to the nursing standards for practice and codes of conduct in Australia

And USE APA FORMAT for referencing.

Information cited from unreliable websites, pamphlets or magazines is not acceptable for this paper.

Your poster needs to be created in a single page, using graphic software such as canvas, Adobe, Piktochart, or any other helpful tool, and submitted to the canvas along with the word document.

Table of Contents

Introduction. 3

Reflection of clinical issue: Medication error 3

Conclusion. 5

Reference. 6


This reflective journal has to discuss the clinical issues of the acute care units. Nurses are facing some common problems doing their job, such as communication problems. This reflective journal aims to identify the implications of the six Cs model and detect its helpful guidance to address the clinical complications of handling and supporting the area of acute care units.

Reflection of the clinical issue

The nursing profession is one of the toughest professions in the world. Politely treating people and providing service is the most critical thing (Ratsch et al. 2019). Due to the many problems, communication issues can arise. As per the suggestion of Clayton et al. (2021), knowledge and language problems are the most common issues of the communication gap.

Reflection of clinical issue: Medication error

Medication error is one of the major complications that can prove to be vulnerable for patients, and adverse drug reactions can be identified. The six Cs model consists of control, commitment, communication, cognition, continuity and challenges. As stated by West (2020), nurses’ ethics help makes the work easier and ensure patient safety.


One of my experiences as an intern is medication errors on hospital premises. Ossenberg et al. (2020) state that nursing standards allow nurses to increase their knowledge about nursing practices, increasing their commitment to practices. Therefore, I can increase my commitment to nursing practices by following NMBA nursing standards.


Experience with medication errors has been ideal for getting to know how to communicate with senior health professionals. During that time, I asked for help from my mentor, and I communicated well to control the situation. Moreover, I understood the importance of communication with others, which can increase my knowledge pool. Helping patients is the most required duty of a nurse. Due to communication problems, we fail to understand the problem areas of the patients; after many trials, we, at last, understand the patients’ problems. Communication is the most important thing in the health care department (Anderson et al. 2018). We feel bad about the situation; due to communication problems, the treatment procedure started late. This experience also made me realize that communication is very important.


I have improved my cognition during critical situations by learning about drugs. Moreover, I have learned to control emotions in a rush situation without affecting my learning.


The situation made me realize that psychological bearings, such as conflict regarding learning time and attending patients, must be managed.


The complexity of tasks can be reduced by prioritising the work. For instance, in a medication error situation, I prioritise the attending patient and later on, I continue my learning about drugs. Therefore, it helped me reduce the complexity of my work. As per ethics, I decided to provide service to patients first.


Control over situations is important to make a correct decision which can ease the work. In that situation, I decided to provide nursing care to that patient rather than increase my knowledge of the drug. However, learning is also necessary to provide good service. Hence, controlling the situation is necessary.


In the nursing profession, communication is the most required skill. Enhancing communication skills is very important to handle any situation. With the help of the “six C’s model of nursing,” nurses can understand the maintenance of communication with the patients.


Anderson, C., Moxham, L., & Broadbent, M. (2018). Is the provision of professional development by RNs to nursing students a choice? Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, The35(4), 34-41.

Ossenberg, C., Mitchell, M., & Henderson, A. (2020). Adopting new practice standards in nursing: revalidation of a tool to measure performance using the Australian registered nurse standards for practice. Collegian27(4), 352-360.

Ratsch, A., Sewell, F., & Pennington, A. (2019). Developing and testing a matrix to achieve ready-everyday nursing standards (RENS): an observational study protocol. BMJ open9(8), e031499.

West, E. (2020). Ethics and integrity in nursing research. Handbook of research ethics and scientific integrity, 1051-1069.


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