Becoming Mexican-American


The readings for this module emphasized that although whole families often made the long and arduous journey from South to North together, the prospects that awaited them on the other side often differed greatly between individual family members. For this assignment, reflect on these differences, considering how the family unit was forced to change and adapt to meet the challenges unique to life in America.

Using the module readings, Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, research the early twentieth century experiences of the Mexican immigrants. Then, respond to the following:

• Examine how the roles of men, women, and children changed because of this migration. What new demands emerged for each group, and how did they seek to meet these new challenges while still maintaining the overall structure of the family. Be as specific as possible, referring wherever possible to examples from the textbook for support.

• How did these changes in the traditional roles impact assimilation? Were men, women, or children more likely to assimilate given these newfound roles and why?

Assignment 2 Grading Criteria

Examined how the roles of men, women, and children changed because of migration.

Explained how changes in traditional roles of members impacted assimilation.

Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.


Answer ( 1 )


    Question 1:

    It has been perceived that even though all the families often made a long and laborious journey from South to North together, the prospects that awaited them on the other side often differed greatly between individual family members. Due to the migration of the Mexicans in the United States, the roles of men, women and the children changed to a considerable extent. The recent research studies made on the migration showed the distinctive and peculiar behavioral changes that raised several questions relating to their roles in the society (Rouse, 1992). The Mexican immigration to the US has taken place in search of better economic opportunities which are not available in their native countries. Hence with their immigration, a significant demographic shift has occurred in the American society. Gender is considered to be a socio-cultural factor determining or separating the males and the females of the society and interprets how they act and carry out their social activities.

    Males and females are perceived within a particular social group, system, and culture. Before the Mexican migration to US society, the husband is considered to be the lead or head of the household due to the economic hardship. Poverty in the United States has a disproportionate effect on the women and children of the society. As the men are considered to be the head of the family, the women are replicated as the manager of all the household activities (Valenzuela, 1999). The men, on the one hand, are regarded as the decision maker while the women, on the other hand, are meant to administer and look after the indoor activities and operations of the family. There were many possibilities of jobs for the women to work outside the home. In Mexico, the main role of the women is to obey their husbands and be a homemaker while the men are referred to the ones working outside of the home, earning money and get a proper livelihood.

    Children are also abandoned to take part in the outdoor activities in some rural areas. But in the present times, it has been perceived that the Mexican families migrated to the US are having many demands from the society. Both the men and the women demand better employment opportunities and favorable economic condition so that both the group can run their families effectively. With the Mexican immigration to the US, both men and women have been able to gain more power and authority to take part in social or outdoor activities (Pedraza, 1991). Also, the Mexican women also gained autonomy as their husbands migrated to the US. The children have also been greatly impacted due to the Mexican immigration to the US. Due to the migration, the children group in America is expanding very quickly. The demands of the children have also facilitated. The Mexican children in the US demand better educational and academic opportunities through which they can be able to build up their careers effectively and prosper for the future benefit of the society (Fox & Rivera-Salgado, 2004). In other words, it can be said that the overall migration has affected the traditional roles of both men and women including the children’s demands from the society.

    Question 2:

    The situations or roles of the members have changed considerably in the present after the migration of the Mexicans to the US (Hondagneu-Sotelo, 1999). As discussed in the previous question, the men have become less powerful than they used to be while being in Mexico. But with the immigration, both men and women have become likewise powerful, and both the group have the responsibility and authority to make efforts and earn their livelihood independently. Equal employment opportunities in America have made the Mexican immigrant women to become much powerful and gain their relative control over their families as their husbands (Hondagneu-Sotelo, 1992). The condition of the labor market in America today comprises of both the men and the women, and equal significant importance is given to both the gender groups of the society. The children on the flip side of the coin have also gained enough importance and power of selecting their own courses of study and academics in which they can be able to outstand and perform better to gain their career proficiency. The educational opportunities have made the Mexican immigrant children much independent and powerful in the American society (Goldring, 2001). While on the one hand, these changes in the traditional roles of the members have widely influenced the Mexican families to grow and foster in the American society and get assimilated with them, on the other hand, this assimilation has somewhere led to misunderstandings and conflicts in the families that in turn led to their breakdown.

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