Case Analysis : Leadership Decision Making


CASE ANALYSIS: Review The Case of Process-Oriented Boardroom dynamics found on pages 228 – 235 in Boards, Governance and Value Creation.

Assignment Outcomes
Identify the decision making process used by a leader to develop values.




Table of Contents

Introduction. 2

Features: 2

Conclusion. 3

References. 4


In order to create a valuable decision-making process is very much important for the leaders to observe the minute details. The leaders will have to think about the future, and at the same time, you will have to consider the fact that it does not affect the emotions and the sentiments of the team members (Valcke, 2015).


There are a few features that the leaders should always follow in order to make better decisions for themselves and the team who are working with them.

  1. The very important part in taking a decision is that the leader should be collaborative when it comes to discussing with the core members of the team. A lot of experience comes together when people sit around and discuss the possibilities and opportunities that they might get it from making a certain decision (Diesing, 2015).
  2. A leader should always keep promises that are made to the clients for the team members. This will help the leaders in getting a hold of the team and will also increase their respect in the view of the members of the team.
  3. A leader should always be supportive and look into any business prospect keeping an open mind and thinking about the broader future rather than a sudden success.
  4. The team leader should also engage each and every member of the team in specific areas according to their expertise. While making any decisions, it is the responsibility of the leader to keep in mind the responsibilities of the individual team members. This will help him in visualizing the workflow of the process (Crofoot, 2015).
  5. The leader should always treat each and every member of the team with equal structures. This will eliminate the possibility of any kind of favors that other people can ask from the leader.
  6. When it comes to making any decisions that concern the environment of the team, then it is the responsibility of the leaders to inform each and every member. The information should be precise and to the point and no members of the team should be allowed to influence the leaders in any way.
  7. Even after taking care of all these things the leader should be quick in making any decisions. They should also be able to have a technical knowledge regarding the field in which he is working with his team. The essence of positivity will always help a good team leader to grow along with his team.
  8. A good leader should always listen to the team members and try to answer their questions if they are reasonable to the leaders. The leader is not bound to discuss any business related terms with the team members but at the same time any issue that is concerned with the what process should be discussed (Bhattacharya, 2016).
  9. A leader should not be emotional at any stage while making a decision with his team. Any decision that involves emotions or sentiments should turn around to be a disadvantage for the leader in leading the team.
  10. One of the most important lessons in making a decision with respect to the leader is to eliminate any uncertainty when it comes to the growth of the business. Uncertainty can occur from the point of having a better future or maybe regarding the team. But in each and every case the leaders should be responsive regarding the legal aspects of the decision.
  11. A leader should not limit the thinking process at any cost because at the end of the day all that matters is thinking out of the box (Glasziou, 2014). The leaders should always follow a path in which no one has traveled with a hole in order to capture the uncultured market.
  12. The leader should also believe the inner voice of the intuitions that are playing in his mind. in order to make these intuitions to be correct, the leader should be experienced enough in order to deal with the situation.
  13. The leaders should always be ready to hear any new ideas from the team members. Each and every individual has their own innovative thinking and open mind that helps them to explore the world of creativity (Moller, 2014). The leaders should listen to the ideas that the team members are coming forward with and he should always make room to implement these ideas and see what turns around.


In the entire study of the paper, we can find a lot of positivity when it comes to the leadership skills and decision-making powers of the leader in a team. We have gathered a great deal of knowledge regarding the way in which a team should be handled by a leader. The role of the leader in decision making is not an easy task, but it should be kept in a very safe and so that the other members of the team can rely on the team leader regarding any kind of mishappenings that might take place at any point of time. The leader should always keep a cool mind when it comes to making decisions because a lot of things can we thought and understood is the mind is calm and composed (Stefkovich, 2016).

The team leader should also frequently sit in a meeting with the other members of the team in order to discuss opportunities that the leader might look in order to grow the team. The leader should also keep in mind about the certain strength of the team and also make a note of the weaknesses that the team has. This will help the team leader in understanding and believe in this time when I work hard decision-making opportunity comes in forward of the team leaders.


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