Customer Research on Consumer Attitudes and Behaviors .


Task 1                                                                                                       

Consumer Research, Inc., is an independent agency that conducts research on consumer attitudes and behaviours for a variety of firms. In one study, a client asked for an investigation of consumer characteristics that can be used to predict the amount charged by credit card users. Data were collected on annual income, household size, and annual credit card charges for a sample of 50 consumers. The following data are recorded for Consumer information.

Income ($1000s) Household Size Amount Charged ($) Income ($1000s) Household Size Amount Charged ($)
54 3 4016 54 6 5573
30 2 3159 30 1 2583
32 4 5100 48 2 3866
50 5 4742 34 5 3586
31 2 1864 67 4 5037
55 2 4070 50 2 3605
37 1 2731 67 5 5345
40 2 3348 55 6 5370
66 4 4764 52 2 3890
51 3 4110 62 3 4705
25 3 4208 64 2 4157
48 4 4219 22 3 3579
27 1 2477 29 4 3890
33 2 2514 39 2 2972
65 3 4214 35 1 3121
63 4 4965 39 4 4183
42 6 4412 54 3 3720
21 2 2448 23 6 4127
44 1 2995 27 2 2921
37 5 4171 26 7 4603
62 6 5678 61 2 4273
21 3 3623 30 2 3067
55 7 5301 22 4 3074
42 2 3020 46 5 4820
41 7 4828 66 4 5149


  1. Use methods of descriptive statistics to summarize the data. Comment on the findings.
  2. Develop estimated regression equations, first using annual income as the in- dependent variable and then using household size as the independent variable. Which variable is the better predictor of annual credit card charges? Discuss your findings.
  3. Develop an estimated regression equation with annual income and household size as the independent variables. Discuss your findings.
  4. What is the predicted annual credit card charge for a three-person household with an annual income of $40,000?
  5. Discuss the need for other independent variables that could be added to the model. What additional variables might be helpful?

Answer 1

Income ($1000s) Household Size Amount Charged ($) Income ($1000s) Household Size Amount Charged ($)
54 3 4016 54 6 5573
30 2 3159 30 1 2583
32 4 5100 48 2 3866
50 5 4742 34 5 3586
31 2 1864 67 4 5037
55 2 4070 50 2 3605
37 1 2731 67 5 5345
40 2 3348 55 6 5370
66 4 4764 52 2 3890
51 3 4110 62 3 4705
25 3 4208 64 2 4157
48 4 4219 22 3 3579
27 1 2477 29 4 3890
33 2 2514 39 2 2972
65 3 4214 35 1 3121
63 4 4965 39 4 4183
42 6 4412 54 3 3720
21 2 2448 23 6 4127
44 1 2995 27 2 2921
37 5 4171 26 7 4603
62 6 5678 61 2 4273
21 3 3623 30 2 3067
55 7 5301 22 4 3074
42 2 3020 46 5 4820
41 7 4828 66 4 5149



  1. . summarize income1000s householdsize amountcharged

    Variable |       Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max


 income1000s |        50       43.48    14.55074         21         67

households~e |        50        3.42    1.738989          1          7

amountchar~d |        50     3963.86    933.5463       1864       5678

the mean household size is over 3 but less than 4 , but generally in studies we consider the average household size as 4 , the income is 43500 approx for the household so average per house person income is 12700 . The amount charged mean is 3963.86 which is within reach of the annual income.

  1. regress income1000s amountcharged

. regress  amountcharged income1000s

      Source |       SS       df       MS              Number of obs =      50

————-+——————————           F(  1,    48) =   31.72

       Model |  16991228.9     1  16991228.9           Prob > F      =  0.0000

    Residual |  25712699.1    48  535681.231           R-squared     =  0.3979

————-+——————————           Adj R-squared =  0.3853

       Total |    42703928    49  871508.735           Root MSE      =   731.9


amountchar~d |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]


 income1000s |   40.46963   7.185716     5.63   0.000     26.02178    54.91748

       _cons |   2204.241    329.134     6.70   0.000     1542.472    2866.009


The equation becomes –

Amount charged = 2204+40.46 * income in 1000

When we use the household size as independent var –

. regress  amountcharged householdsize

      Source |       SS       df       MS              Number of obs =      50

————-+——————————           F(  1,    48) =   62.80

       Model |  24204112.3     1  24204112.3           Prob > F      =  0.0000

    Residual |  18499815.7    48  385412.828           R-squared     =  0.5668

————-+——————————           Adj R-squared =  0.5578

       Total |    42703928    49  871508.735           Root MSE      =  620.82


amountcharged |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]


householdsize |   404.1567   50.99978     7.92   0.000     301.6148    506.6986

        _cons |   2581.644   195.2699    13.22   0.000     2189.028    2974.261

Amount charged = 2581.644 +404.15 * household size

Now when we compare the two cases r square value is better in the second case , thus household size displays better variation in the amount charged.

. regress  amountcharged householdsize income1000s

      Source |       SS       df       MS              Number of obs =      50

————-+——————————           F(  2,    47) =  111.07

       Model |  35246778.7     2  17623389.4           Prob > F      =  0.0000

    Residual |   7457149.3    47  158662.751           R-squared     =  0.8254

————-+——————————           Adj R-squared =  0.8179

       Total |    42703928    49  871508.735           Root MSE      =  398.32


amountcharged |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]


householdsize |   356.3402    33.2204    10.73   0.000     289.5094     423.171

  income1000s |   33.12196   3.970237     8.34   0.000     25.13487    41.10904

        _cons |   1305.034    197.771     6.60   0.000       907.17    1702.898

The equation will be –

Amount charged =1305.034+356.34* household size + 33.121 * income in 1000

R square value is quite high which shows that together the two independent variable shows good variation in credit card amount charged. Both the variables are significant too.

  1. The predicted annual credit card charge will be

1305.0.34+ 356.34*3 + 40*33.121 = 3698.894

  1. The other independent variables that could be used to better explain the variation in dependent variable can be per capita income of the household , income of the credit card holders instead of income from all, whether they have multiple accounts in banks etc. This will impose ore restrictions on the individuals.

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