
Enables students to demonstrate understan .
Choose one (1) of the following essay topic:mg of concepts and consumer factors\nmentalhealth.

1. Hallucinations are a common .

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and they can have a significant i erce{tual disturbance for someone living with a psychotic \lnesa may also impact how they experie Z on co_nsumr’s quality oflife.A consumer’s cullul8l tiM
paper must critically analyse: psyc os1s.Using contemporary peer-reviewed llteralura,Yllllr

• ?ne 1) culturally safe nuing intrvention for a consumer with a psychotic illness;(you must 1dent1fy the culture your evidence 1s referring to);
• one (1) evidence-based psychoeducation strategy which can be adopted whenworkingwith
someone who has a psychotic illness.
2.A major depressive disorder can be a debilitating conditionwhich often has significant social and occupational impacts. A consumer’s culturalbeliefs may also impact how they experience depression. Using contemporary peer-reviewed literature,your paper must critically analyse:
• one (1) culturally safe nursing interventio for a consumer with major depression;(you must
identify the culture your evidence is refernng to); . .
• one (1) evidence-based psychoeducation strategy which can be adopted whenworking wilh
someone who has a depressive illness.


Answer ( 1 )


    Table of Contents
    Introduction 3
    Hallucination as perceptual disturbance 3
    Conclusion 7
    Reference List 9

    The study sheds light on the fact that hallucination, a common mental or psychological illness, contributes a prominent role to change the quality of life of consumers. Along with this, it is quite an obvious fact that the cultural sensitive beliefs and religious beliefs of consumers are affecting the experience of psychosis. Moreover, this paper is devoted to the way of affecting the indigenous culture and beliefs on the quality of life of consumers that have been experiencing a hallucination. Along with this, the role of culturally safe nursing intervention is also discussed for a consumer with a psychological illness like a hallucination. The various kinds of religious beliefs are discussed in this paper in order to provide evidence of the psycho education strategy, which can be adopted by employees that have been working with a psychotic illness.
    Hallucination as perceptual disturbance
    In the modern world, people with hallucinations reported a high rate of changes in their behaviors as well as quality of the life. Along with this, it is well-known fact that the mind of people has been defined by their intuition, and in the case of hallucination, the intuition of the affected people has been changed according to their illness. Intuition, perception, and belief force people to correlate the incident with their religious beliefs. On the other hand, it cannot be exaggerated to say that the religious belief of the consumers of a specific market is able to change their way of life. The religious and cultural beliefs of someone can easily affect those employees that have been working with them as well as their working surroundings (Campodonico, Varese & Berry, 2022). In addition to this, the consumers of the whole market can be affected by religious beliefs of someone. Moreover, it cannot be exaggerated to say that the hallucination of someone can influence the idea of others and this way it also affects the whole quality of life of people or the life of the consumers.
    Some recent studies introduce that sometimes the consumers that have been working with the psychotic illness of employees cannot be aware of the actual illness of those employees. In this scenario, the consumers of the psychotic illness are able to easily affect people of surrounding because they can easily manipulate them by producing false evidence (Kurtom, Henning & Espiridion, 2019). Along with this, it has been seen that some of the consumers with hallucinations do not know that they have been affected by a psychotic illness and in this case, they are relating the incident to indigenous culture and beliefs. Moreover, it is quite an obvious fact that the quality of the life has been affected by the mindset of the consumers and the mindset of the consumers has been affected by the indigenous culture and beliefs. The problems have been more serious when people with a psychotic disorder are interfering with the other beliefs by producing a correlation between the incident and indigenous beliefs (Marschall et al. 2020). Moreover, it is quite an obvious fact about the human mind that they believe in the information that has been given to it. In the first look, the human brain is not accepting the weird fact and stores it in its subconscious mind and after that, in case the same incident occurs the subconscious mind sends a signal of this information. In addition to this way, the human brain accepts the information that has been ignored by it. Furthermore, it cannot be exaggerated to say that indigenous culture and beliefs can affect the quality of life. In addition to this, it forces them to stick with their religious beliefs.
    The recent data on the hallucination-affected people in the country has not been reported. Along with this, it is suggesting that there is approximately 11% of the participant that has been not reported to the clinic as well as to the police. This kind of psychotic problem is a worrisome problem in the country as well as in other countries across the world. Along with this, the victim that has been participated in such kind of incident needs to report to the clinic as well as to the police so that they can treat them well. The treatment of such kinds of consumers is necessary in order to change their behaviors (Parra-Bolaños, Benjumea-Garcés & Gallego-Tavera, 2018). Moreover, sometimes it has been also seen that identification of people with psychotic disorders is not an easy task. Sometimes, the differentiation between the natural indigenous beliefs and the beliefs that have been affected by a psychotic illness is quite difficult and so ordinary people are not to analyze the weird behaviors.
    In order to analyze the behaviors of the consumer, the psycho education strategy has enabled a framework by which the employees or ordinary people can analyze natural behaviors. Along with this with the help of psycho education strategy, ordinary people can learn from the analysis of their surroundings and not able to easily affected by those consumers that have been already affected by hallucination. Moreover, in the case of hallucination, the concerned people are affected by false beliefs and have concerned about some incident that has been already occurred (Cutler et al. 2020). Along with this, sometimes it has been also seen that the indigenous culture has prevailed in the mind of the victims so much that they are willing to change the society as well the indigenous culture. In such a scenario, psycho education strategy plays a prominent role in order to understanding the indigenous beliefs of someone as well as their mental stability. In this way with the help of such a strategy, the consumers are able to differentiate between the mentally ill and not ill consumers of the market.
    Some of the recent evidence suggests that some people that have been affected by the psychotic illness are interfering with the other’s indigenous beliefs and culture and are forced to adopt their beliefs. In this scenario, some of them have been using violations and leaving the natural society and their indigenous culture and religions. Along with this, the mindset of the people has been affected by their natural beliefs and so they are easily manipulated by the false ideas that have been generated by their hallucinations and mental illness. Professionals as well as experts cannot easily diagnose such a kind of mental illness. Along with this, the treatment needs a lot of confidence in order to treat the victims cheers and the affected people in an effective manner. In order to treat the affected people, the experts need to understand the indigenous beliefs of hallucination affected people and need to understand the core values of their beliefs (Bekhet et al. 2018). In many scenarios, it has been seen that the life of affected people has been so much changing even their choice of colors and food. They are much affected by their hallucinations and their mind forces them to prefer the new products from the market. The preference for the products is contributed to their indigenous beliefs and so it cannot be exaggerated to say that the experts need to treat them according to their indigenous culture and the beliefs that have been affected due to their psychotic or mental illness. Moreover, it is a worrisome fact that in this illness the victims are not able to easily understand their weird behaviors because the mind is the part that has been deciding the weird behaviors. However, in this scenario, the human mind is affected by the false indigenous culture and beliefs and that is harmful to society as well as self.
    Some of the recent evidence suggests that the affected people are mostly connected with the heart and their previous indigenous culture has been affected by the hallucination. Along with this, such kinds of people are living a quality of life that has been generated by illusions as well as natural beliefs and culture. Moreover, the understanding of the indigenous culture and the core value of this culture from the perspective of an expert is playing a prominent role in order to treat the Louis victims. The core difficulties of the treatment have been occurred due to difficulties in understanding the problems and the nature of the victim or stability of their mind (Mwangi, 2018). In this scenario, safe nursing intervention plays a prominent role to improve the health of the mind of the indigenous people of the society. In order to improve the mindset of the indigenous people, the experts or the professionals need to break the illusion of the mindset of the indigenous people by providing natural and pragmatic evidence. Moreover, breaking the natural as well as the psychological beliefs of the indigenous culture is not an easy task and to do this the experts need to take very careful steps.
    In order to induce a safe nursing intervention in the process of treatment of psychotic illness, the professional first need to analyze kind of the natural indigenous culture and beliefs that can affect the whole society as well as some in a negative way. Along with this, the professionals also need to understand the stability and persistence of the indigenous culture in the mindset of indigenous people. Moreover, the persistence of the indigenous culture in the mindset of the people is able to change the choice of the consumers as well as the quality of the life. Furthermore, it has been also seen that the mindset of the people of a specific market is able to decide the demand for specific products in the market. For instance, in case of society is leaving with the indigenous beliefs on their surrounding and natural environment. Along with this, in these scenarios, they can force society not to adopt deforestation even though it is required for a living (Potes et al. 2018). In addition to this, they can avoid using those products that are made of wood. In this scenario, the safe nursing intervention is an effective tool to improve the condition of mental illness as well as the natural thought of the indigenous people. Furthermore, with the help of this tool, the experts can eradicate persistence and stable indigenous cultural beliefs, and hence they are also able to change the quality of life that is compatible with the modern world.
    The study concludes that ordinary as well as experts cannot easily determine the psychotic disorder of the indigenous people. In order to analyze the stability of the indigenous culture in the mind of the consumers, the experts need to focus on the core value of illusion and cultural illusion. The role of the hallucination of the victim plays a prominent role in order to change the preference of the indigenous people and their quality of the life. It can be also concluded that culturally sensitive safe nursing intervention can eradicate the problems of the false perception of the indigenous culture as well as the beliefs.

    Reference List
    Bekhet, A. K., Zauszniewski, J. A., Matel-Anderson, D. M., Suresky, M. J., & Stonehouse, M. (2018). Evidence for psychiatric and mental health nursing interventions: An update (2011 through 2015). Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 23(2), 1-28. DOI: 10.3912/OJIN.Vol23No02Man04
    Campodonico, C., Varese, F., & Berry, K. (2022). Trauma and psychosis: a qualitative study exploring the perspectives of people with psychosis on the influence of traumatic experiences on psychotic symptoms and quality of life. BMC psychiatry, 22(1), 1-12. DOI: 10.1186/s12888-022-03808-3
    Cutler, N. A., Sim, J., Halcomb, E., Moxham, L., & Stephens, M. (2020). Nurses’ influence on consumers’ experience of safety in acute mental health units: A qualitative study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 29(21-22), 4379-4386. DOI: 10.1111/jocn.15480
    Kurtom, M., Henning, A., & Espiridion, E. D. (2019). Hallucinogen-persisting Perception Disorder in a 21-year-old Man. Cureus, 11(2). DOI: 10.7759/cureus.4077
    Marschall, T. M., Brederoo, S. G., Curcic-Blake, B., & Sommer, I. E. (2020). Deafferentation as a cause of hallucinations. Current opinion in psychiatry, 33(3), 206-211. DOI: 10.1097/YCO.0000000000000586
    Mwangi, G. K. (2018). Depressive Disorders Among Women Living in Resource Poor, Northern Kenya: The Role of Psycho-education. Psychology, 8(12), 587-593. DOI: 10.17265/2159-5542/2018.12.002
    Parra-Bolaños, N., Benjumea-Garcés, J. S., & Gallego-Tavera, S. Y. (2018). Neurophysiological and neuropsychological damages produced in adult populations. MOJ Addict Med Ther, 5(3), 93-95.DOI: 10.15406/mojamt.2018.05.00100
    Potes, A., Souza, G., Nikolitch, K., Penheiro, R., Moussa, Y., Jarvis, E., … & Rej, S. (2018). Mindfulness in severe and persistent mental illness: A systematic review. International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice, 22(4), 253-261.DOI: 10.1080/13651501.2018.1433857

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