Assessment Value: 20% Instructions: 1. This assignment is to be submitted in accordance with assessment policy stated in the Subject Outline and Student Handbook. 2. It is the responsibility of the student who is submitting the work, to ensure that the work ...

Description: Select an organisation or industry as the case study for your report. Identify some of the key challenges for recruiting the workforce for this organisation/industry, and recommend strategies to address these challenges. Your report should make ...

Case Questions: Please answer these two questions, A1 and A2. Please use relevant examples from this case in your responses to these questions where possible. Use approximately 300 words for each question. Please use appropriate theory to support ...

Blog format In your reflective blog post, you should demonstrate an ability to reflect on and learn from established practices in the nominated article and the weekly unit topic. You will write your blog post in the format as described below. ...

Task/assessment brief: Task 1 Critically discuss the concept and capability of operating a true quick response supply chain strategy that maximises efficient and effective performance.  Task 2 Identify and justify the key area focus ...

Before you proceed with the assignment, please read this section carefully and make sure you prepare and submit your assignment in accordance with the rules outlined here. Academic integrity This assignment must be your own work. It is ...

Clients and Markets: Assignment 2 For this assessment task, students need to propose a new marketing idea or revised marketing offering for a chosen company. Students can choose any company, international or local. Students are to follow the structure ...

Critical reflection Pease (2016) writes that ‘social workers who are committed to the radical and critical tradition in social work need to reflect upon their own positioning in systems of inequality (p. 89). Read chapter 6 in Pease, ...

Your task Individually, you are required to complete a comprehensive risk analysis and stakeholder management plan based on your work in the first and second assessments. Therefore, this assessment is a culmination piece. Assessment Description The purpose of this assessment is to foster students’ ...

Table of Contents Question 1. 3 (a) Cost of goods manufactured. 3 (b) Income statement through gross profit 4 Question 2. 4 Total amount of delivery ...

Task Investigate the effectiveness of business information systems of the given case study. To do this, you are required to submit a complete report which includes an analysis of functionality, resources required, the broad feasibility of the project (i.e., risks) and ...

Task Write SQL statements to answer the following questions from the ‘assignment5’ Database: Answer all questions List all the record/s in the vendor table that do not have a value for the attribute V_STATE. Find the customers whose balance is greater than ...