Assessment Task 3 Instructions as provided to students. Complete the following activities: 1. Consult with the CEO on the draft plan. Meet with Judith (your assessor) to discuss the draft project management plan. Judith will lead the discussion ...

Assessment Task 2 1. Review and asses the requirements of the project. Read the following documents to familiarise yourself with Boutique Build’s needs: • Boutique Build Telecommunications Requirements • Boutique Build Floor Plan (new office floor plan showing ...

Assessment Task 1 Instructions as provided to students Provide answers to all of the questions below: Identify and describe four network topologies. In your answer, identify the pros and cons of each. Identify at least three network interface and interconnect ...

Q1. Develop a list of use cases for the WPE. Present your list in a table that includes the participating actors, use case name and a brief use case description. For those identified via Event Decomposition technique, you ...

Question 1) Development of a project specific framework for on-site contract administration . a) Identify the historical issues that led to the introduction of the Security of Payments (SoP) Act for the Australian construction industry. Discuss how ...

Task details : Answer both questions in 450-500 words. use the TEEL structure for your paragraphs, critically reflecting with at least one example from your observations or experience and an in-text reference; Topic sentence Explanation and example Evidence ...

Use the following guidelines to present your plan: Description – provide a brief overview of the context (industry/sector/organisation, location, demographic, history, etc) within which you are proposing to implement a polycentric governance system ...

Part 1: You are expected to: • Identify your own job role and responsibilities • Articulate the roles of other team members • Plan and priorities own tasks • Comply with time frames and team requirements This assessment task will ...