Task Description The purpose of this assessment is to provide students with the opportunity to engage in reflective practice, using a range of diagnostic tools and feedback, so as to identify two key areas of personal capability that can be addressed ...

Demonstrate an understanding of the research planning process ,business research methods and understanding importance of professional ethics, and of how to recognize and address ethical issues when they arise in a business research project Apply ...

This assignment requires the application of conceptual tools and theories selected and explained in A1 to critically analyze your PfL. That is, students need to develop an integrated understanding of the multiple dimensions of the project, in order to explain the ‘hows/whys’ ...

First offence of plagiarism A student will be allowed to re-submit the assignment once, within a maximum period of one week. However, a penalty of deduction of 25% of the marks obtained for the resubmitted work ...

Outcomes Assessed: Apply accounting techniques related to inventory, labour, and overheads. Use different costing techniques such as marginal, absorption, job and batch costing.   Instructions to the student: You are required to answer all Students should complete the assignment individually. This ...

Assessment Objectives: This assessment items relates to course learning outcomes: 1.Articulate the recent developments in e-business industry and its likely future directions. 2.Compare and explain various types of e-business infrastructure technologies, business models, and payment ...

Pick a company or organization with a global supply chain and document their best practices with regard to any one of these categories of concern:  humanitarian (child labor, slavery, sweat shop), conflict free materials, or “green” issues.

CASE STUDY Review Case 11, Supply Chain Management at Dream Beauty Company Assignment Outcomes : Analyze network design systems Evaluate operations analysis and performance assessment, risk and sustainability to SCM. Contents

Question answers, Don't write short answers, please include a series of content, integration, and synthesis related to the reading assignments.  The questions will cover the content of the material and will require the Learner to think critically and ...

Homework: Define integration of the supply chain management concept Discuss why integration supply chain management is important to cost control How will the end user or consumer benefit from integration of the supply chain management