Task Description This assessment item is a business case analysis of 1600-words (+/- 10%) You must first select Only ONE of the following five organizations as the subject of your business case.      – OPTUS ...

Question 1 Construct a project plan using MS project or Project Libre based on the PROJECT PLAN SCHEDULE table on page 2 of this document. Calculate: (i) How long the project will take?   (ii) Which tasks are critical?   (iii) The total slack associated with each ...

Description and Drawing from the Global Marketing Opportunity Analysis (assignment 1), students apply their knowledge of global marketing theory, models, and concepts by preparing a global marketing plan with a particular focus on the design and deployment of ...

1. The article proposes the discovery of a microorganism with an intermediate form between prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Identify and justify two key findings that the authors have offered as evidence that this organism does not fit within either ...

There are 3 family members included in this case study that you can choose from. Please review the family information provided to you in the Demetriou family case study located in the Assessment Tile on LEO or in Appendix ...

Executive summary The purpose of this project was to identify and examine the different environmental factors that have significant influences on the functioning of international marketing. It mainly focuses on the chosen company CAPI and its entry ...

Table of content Introduction. 2 Symptoms and reasons for burnout of the employees. 2 Strategies and tactics followed by the companies. 3 Recommendations. 5 Conclusion. 5

Table of Contents Slide 1: Title page. 3 Slide 2: Introduction. 3 Slide 3: Gibbs reflective model (Description) 3 Slide 4: Feeling. 4 Slide 5: Evaluation. 4 Slide 6: Analysis. 5 Slide 7: Conclusion. 5 Slide 8: Action plan. 6

a) Explore and reflect on self- development as a leader to build self-awareness b) Through critical reflection on key leadership theories develop a personal leadership development strategy. c) Analyse and develop the capacity to influence, motivate and inspire others in ...

Table of Contents Personal SMART goal 3 Week 1. 5 Week 2. 6 Week 3. 7 Week 4. 9 Week 5. 11 Week 6. ...

This assessment addresses the following Subject Learning Outcomes: a) Apply research, academic, and communication skills appropriate to the level of study and observe academic referencing requirements b) Critically analyze texts and/or multimedia material in both a business and academic context c) Identify ...