Your Task Students are to choose a company from the winners from the last 3 years of the Australian HR Institute (AHRI) diversity-related awards and write a report outlining and analysing the intercultural management models and approaches implemented by ...

Your Task Analyse the sales dataset provided to derive and present insights. Assessment Description This is a group project, followed by an individual report. You will be provided with a dataset pertaining to the operations of a ...

The portfolio is a combination of mini projects and exercises. Your entire portfolio should be contained in a single word document. The Harvard referencing system must be used and a bibliography attached. Item 1 Managers within ...

This written assignment requires you to self-reflect on one (1) of the supplied topics using the Gibbs Reflective Cycle as a guide. Students must select ONE topic from below: 1. Reflect on your experiences as a ...

3: Research Design/ Data collection: (25 marks) Either: (If your intended project has a substantial element of primary data collection) Or: (If your intended project is likely to not have a substantial element of primary data collection) 4: Ethical, legal and professional ...

1: Research Question / hypothesis: (5 marks) Outline the research question / hypothesis you will use either for the project as a whole (if a study project), or to help you structure your literature review (if an engineering project). Explain why you ...

Executive summary The purpose of this project was to identify and examine the different environmental factors that have significant influences on the functioning of international marketing. It mainly focuses on the chosen company CAPI and its entry ...

The portfolio is a combination of mini projects and exercises. Your entire portfolio should be contained in a single word document. The Harvard referencing system must be used and a bibliography attached. Item 1 Managers within ...

Table of Contents Lesson plan for students with disability. 3 Lesson plan for Gifted and talented students (ACARA) 7 Lesson plan for students with language diversity. 12 Lesson plan for ...