Answer the following: Question 1 Assume the government wishes to reduce alcohol consumption by considering a higher excise tax on alcohol products. Collect information on estimates for the price elasticity of demand for alcohol products. Based on these elasticity estimates illustrate using ...

We do a lot to keep our body healthy and fit. We work out, run, jog, skip, jump, dance etc to stay healthy and active as wel as to lose weight. But do we do anything to keep our minds ...

Fitness is gaining importance and people across the world are doing everything they can to stay fit. This has becomes more popular now as the lifestyle has become more comfortable and easy which has made people unfit and obese over ...

Sports are the traditional system followed earlier when there were lesser options to stay fit. There are many forms of sports to stay fit such as football, basketball, badminton, swimming, running, cycling, gymnastics, ballet, tennis, cricket, squash, etc.

How does airbnb work? Airbnb is a hospitality service company that started ten years back to help people get accommodation across the world. The accommodation is affordable and the process is very simple.

Health is important to everyone since without good health nobody can function normally. Diseases and ailments have increased over the years and so have viruses and infections. Just as these increase, we need to be more careful to take good ...

Traveling to another from India requires having a visa such as a tourist visa or a work visa. Children applying before their 14th birthday or people over 80 need not come to the consulate for an interview. If you already ...

Writing requires daily practice to achieve better experience and perfection. Each writer writes in his or her own style. The tone and way of conveying ideas also differs from person to person. Writing is done for a specific task and ...

Job satisfaction is soon becoming a clichéd term as more and more people are dissatisfied with their jobs. If we push ourselves into a mold where we are unhappy with our life, then we will find a million reasons to ...