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Privacy Policy

Our policies are created to ensure privacy of user information at all times. Our Privacy Policy governs how we collect user information, use it and maintain it. Our Policies may change from time to time as the need arises and we will update the same on the website.

We collect information from users when they create an account with us. We also collect information from third-parties. Your profile once created will be available to other users on the pqfa forum to view. You can choose to add your photo or not. We may also collect information about topics that you find interesting or know about. Other users can see your profile and your activity. You can choose what you wish to be displayed on the public forum and what you do not wish to share. Please get in touch with us for any information or query regarding your profile generation.

ISP and other Networks

You can sign up to our forum through other networks such as facebook or Google, for eg. If you sign up this way, we receive information about you through these networks. These may appear in your profile.


We use cookies and other tracking technology to collect information about activities. This is done to help us understand you better and to serve you better. Cookies help us remember your personal preferences.

Other information

We collect other information such as IP address, location, date and time stamp, url etc. We may use pixels, web beacons, clear GIFs, or analytics tools. Analytics tools are through Google Analytics. For information on how they use information, you can refer Google Analytics policies. Sometimes third parties display ads on our website. We are not responsible for how these third parties use your information or for their privacy policies. Google’s advertising requirements are available on Google’s Advertising Principles and you can view the same at We use Google AdSense on our website. Google uses DART cookies and users can opt out of this by visiting the Google ad and content network privacy policy. We also use Google Display Network Impression Reporting. Users have the option to set preferences on how Google advertises by visiting the Google Ad Settings page. You can also opt out of the Network Advertising opt out page by using Google Analytics Opt Out Browser add on. We do not allow third party behavioral tracking.

We do not provide your personal information to third parties. We only use your information to provide our services, understand and know you better, to communicate with you, to provide personalization, advertising, marketing and promotions such as newsletters, to comply with the law and to prevent misuse.

We may share your information for reasons such as payment processors, auditors, advisors etc. We may also share your information if it is required by the law.

We take all possible measures to ensure your information is safe with us and we do our best to safeguard your information. We urge you to use strong passwords at your end to keep your account safe. We use SSL technology and malware protection. We use secure networks to process your payments as well. All your payment related information is safe with us.

If at any point you want to reach out to us or unsubscribe from our service or newsletters, please get in touch with us or send us a mail at For information on our Terms and Conditions, please check the same on our website.