Araluen Lutheran Camp


This task is very simple but a lot of research needed.

First read the attached Third Party Website well. And then identify the journey towards why we are recommending a website overhaul etc..

Now, the task is to Update/Optimize the website of Araluen Lutheran Church. For this you need to understand the camp’s competition i.e. we are recommending a website upgrade. Why we are recommending and why we came to this conclusion.

You can say that during our research we found other websites such as YMCA, Burnside Camp, and Baptist Wilkin etc. are more attractive and also interactive and offer a great insight of their camp. (Please google these websites in anglesea and see what is it that Araluen lack and what are the differences).

Whereas Araluen website simply states their location on their home page and nothing much.

Talk about search engine optimization (SEO) – when searching for ‘school camps in aglesea’ typically this company Araluen is returned at the bottom of the first page (9th or 11th position).

You also need to make some research on people’s habits around google searches and the click through rates for the businesses that rate in the top five as an example.

Include origin name to appeal to a larger audience, enhance key word search.

Identify and justify the journey through website. Marketing journey for the website – including SEO, Website upgrade, social media and the team.

Also have a look at Araluen’s website they have YouTube clip on the page that went for two mins 30 seconds and the first 30 seconds are it as showing dirty laundry and people lying around this really didn’t tell a good story. Look at other camps and their competition. Talk about this.

Also, based on what you saw with the other websites, why do you think we need to upgrade Araluen’s website. Is it easier for customers to book accommodation or anything else?

 Was there any activity on other websites around booking or easier for customers to use? Anything like that? This is only about website and not the facilities or packages or accommodations they offer.

Have we found any differences in usability for people looking to book accommodation or how they interact with the website? Anything that you saw on other websites that is different want to change Araluen’s website.

Why we are recommending a marketing manager and invest because they are tech savy and why we’re recommending an overhaul.

All of this in a page about 400-450 words, with 4 references.

You do not have to mention anything about what is in Third Party Website. But, it has to flow in with it.


The recommendations are made for updating and optimizing the website so that it could attract and impress more customers for the business. The website at present is highly in attractive with only limited features present for browsing. Upon research it is found that the other websites like that of YMCA, Burnside Camp and Baptist Wilkins are offering attractive and interactive website that offers insight of their camp. Araluen Lutheran Camp website is equipped with very limited features and highly in attractive graphics. Only the logo is attractive, rest all looks the work of non-specialized techie. More insight is therefore required to be displayed on the website so that the customers browsing online could have a view of different activities and facilities available in the camp. Also the images need to be changed with high definition images that display various facilities and activities at the camp (AraluenLutheranCamp, 2017).

The search engine of Google showcases the company website and its services on 9thor 11th position. That is when searched for “School camps in Anglesea” the search engine optimization or SEO offers list of various website ahead of the Araluen Lutheran Camp. The habit of the people to look into the earlier search outcome therefore affects the browsing of website which is placed much lower. Also the search for the top five businesses in the region does not showcase the name of the camp which affects its popularity. Therefore the need is also to fix the issue with search engine optimisation where the name of the camp are displayed to larger audience through adding of enhanced word search (, 2017).

The website is also missing connection with social media. The social media is actually the most popular method of promoting a website. The sharing of images and web portal through social media is a common phenomenon. Therefore the company website should offer a facility to connect with social media so that the browser can promote the name of the website among friends and family members. Therefore the need is to create a social media link page for sharing the web page on the social media platform (, 2017).

The YouTube clip of the camp is highly in attractive. The reason behind is display of dirty laundry, unaware people and low video quality that is incapable of catching the eyes of viewers. The video is about two minutes and thirty seconds which consists of non-interesting views and things that are not at all impressive. Therefore the need is to create a new YouTube clip made by an expert who could use high quality resolution for display of all the facilities and enjoying people at camp (, 2017).

Therefore the need is to upgrade the website with new video clip and added facilities and features so that the potential customers can be impressed. The strength of this website is that it offer recognition of the camp in the web world. The weakness is the poor representation of the camp on web portal. The risk is to get negative notes and non-priority by the potential customers browsing the web portal.

Bibliography, 2017. Gallery. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 09 June 2017].

AraluenLutheranCamp, 2017. Home. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 09 June 2017]., 2017. Home. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 09 June 2017]., 2017. YMCA Camps. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 09 June 2017].


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