Discussion—What’s Your Secret?


Discussion Threads 300 word count. 2 citations within the body of work. 2 References/Bibliography

Assignment 2: Discussion—What’s Your Secret?

The purpose of this assignment is to increase your understanding of personal negotiating power and interpersonal communication skills, which can be used to influence others in a positive way. You will analyze your personal negotiation power style. You will assess whether you know when to let go, when to make demands, or when to look for compensation strategies.

Explain how you use your personal negotiation power or ability to influence others in the workplace or in your personal life. Comment on your source of power and cite one negative and one positive consequence that came about as a result of your interaction(s).


Answer ( 1 )


    How personal negotiation power influence others:

    Personal power in the negotiation process can help to enhance the reputation of negotiator through face to face communication which influences others. The knowledge and experience of the negotiator helps to develop relationship with others. Negotiation process can allow the negotiator to make online judgment and decision. The overall process of the negotiation can also help to protect from other specific events. The possible consequences of the negotiation power also should be considered during the process of negotiation.

    Confidence is one of the important ability of the negotiator that influences the face to communication skills that would be helpful for managing overall negotiation process in an effective manner (Laubach, 2002). The face to face communication skills can create positive impact for maximizing the value of the negotiator. The high quality agreements can be possible with this particular skill. The face to face communication skill helps to influence the other party for agreement of deal.

    Reputation of the negotiator is another effective source of power that also helps to influence other parties. The expectation of the dealing of agreements on the other parties is mainly based on the reputation of the negotiator. The reputed negotiator is always trustworthy and honest that can create positive impact on the other party.

    The power negotiators are sometimes risk takers which may create negative influence to others. The self defeating threats during the negotiation process can create negative impact on others (The negotiation process, 2001). The risk strategies taken by the powerful negotiation process may also create negative impact on others. The perspective taking is other most crucial skills of the negotiators which may bring negative impact on behavior and attitudes of the others. Sometimes, the powerful negotiators may fail to achieve their point of view on counterpart which may create negative influence for others

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