

After reading the article tell us ‘ how you hope doing the PE Online course will help you develop both as an ICT professional and a lifelong learner’ In your response in the ‘Discussions’ forum make sure you address all the issues referenced in the article and then add some of your own view by contextualizing them to your own individual circumstances.

 Table of Contents

Discussions. 3

Reference List 5


Technological development has been playing a crucial part in the modern period. Our lives have been influenced by technological advancement across the countries in the world. The contribution of information and communication technology (ICT) has been quite significant in Australian technological advancement. At present, the majority of people use the Internet on various occasions. As a result, multiple data and information are processed within seconds. However, there is a misunderstanding among the Australian people regarding the prospect of ICT as a career option. This, in turn, has caused a reduction in the number of ICT professionals in Australia. As a result, the IT industry in Australia has been suffering a lot. While most IT professionals are mostly concentrated on acquiring and gathering technical skills, they are very reluctant to cultivate a sense of ethics, honesty, and integrity among themselves. These qualities are essential qualities that are highly important for an ICT professional.

Several organisations in Australia provide the required knowledge and skills to ICT professionals. However, they do not provide such lessons in ethics, honesty and communication. On the other hand, organisations such as ACS provide students with the required knowledge and skills and lessons in ethics, honesty and communication. Moreover, ACS is determined to give its students such education that will make them complete and competent ICT professionals.

Ultimately, I can conclude that I will acquire skills and knowledge that will make me a complete ICT professional after completing the Professional Environment. Along with this, being a part of ACS, I can unlock and improve my knowledge and skills through the live events and seminars conducted occasionally. Besides, I will create a lifelong habit of learning that will make me even better.

Reference List

Australian Computer Society. (2007). ICT Professionals Shaping our Future. From http://www.acs.org.au/.


Davey, B., & Tatnall, A. 2009). Aspects of professionalism, ethics and lifelong learning for Australian ICT professionals. Journal of Law and Governance, 4(3).


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