Effectiveness And Usefulness


Please follow the steps below regarding your assignment 3.

Reflective writing aims to get you to think about your learning and understand your learning experiences.

When students writing Assignment 3 need to follow steps:

  1. Evaluate the effectiveness and your usefulness of the learning experience

Make judgments that are clearly connected to observations you have made. Answer the questions:


−     What is your opinion about learning experience?

−     What is the value of this experience?

  1. Explain how this learning process will be useful to you

Consider: In what ways might this learning experience serve you in:

−     course

−     program

−     future career

−     life generally

Answer the question: ‘How you will transfer or apply your new knowledge and insights in the future?’

  1. Describe objectively what happened in the learning process

Give the details of what happened in the learning process. Answer the question:

‘What you did, read, see, and hear?

  1. Evaluate what you learn

Make judgments connected to observations you have made in the Business

Research. Answer the question: ‘How Business Research was useful for your

Research Learning Process?’

  1. Explain your learning process:

New insights, connections with other learning, your feelings, hypotheses,

conclusions. Answer the questions:

‘What was the reason you did particular activities (Assignment 1, Assignment 2?

  1. Explain Plan how this learning you will be applied

Comment on its relevance to your research subject, your course, future profession, life…

Answer the question: ‘How might this learning apply in your future?’

For this assessment, students are expected to write a weekly journal over the duration of the 12-week teaching period that documents a critical analysis of their learning process. In the journal students need to reflect/review how they have progressed with the learning goals related to assessments 1 and 2.


Students need to write their individual reflective journal concurrently to performing assessment tasks 1 and 2, i.e. from the first week of the subject. For each week, students need to make journal entries that provide a reflection of their ‘journey’ of gaining, and applying knowledge of the research paradigm. For each week students should reflect and compare the theoretical knowledge with what they apply into practice. As assessment 1 and 2 are completed, students should clearly identify learning goals achieved.













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Writing reflective journals enforces reflection in action; this is because students can have a higher level of correlation between practical aspect and theoretical aspect. This means that the scope of reflective journal in education includes encouraging students and developing awareness among them about what they are doing, how they are doing, why it is so and also allowed them identifying strategies for solving problems, recognizing their strength and weakness in order to understand content knowledge, techniques and development and application or practical skills (Bolton, 2014).


In this topic regarding business research at Holmes Institute, there are certain observations the author made that leads to certain judgments. The learning experience has been great as I was able to combine and understand the practical application of theory and understand that it is not just implementation of theory in practical application, but it is the smart and stepwise implementation of theory learned. The major understanding of this learning experience is that there is a difference in practical aspects and theoretical aspects and just knowing the theory won’t guarantee success but the same should be used as a base for using it practically.

The learning experience has added a lot of value to my vision, knowledge, and skills set and incorporated self-awareness and metacognition in me. This experience has developed open-mindedness and willingness in me for accepting responsibility as well as developing and promoting my observation skills, critical thinking ability, and reasoned analysis


The learning process is useful in all aspects of life from the course, program, and future career to general life application. The learning process showed me how I could conduct the business research which I previously thought was a very simple process. However, as I learned the subject, I realized that the process is not as simple as I thought and involved deep analysis of the subject and various topics that need to be understood before starting the research. While conducting a literature review, I did face problem in collecting the data and deciding on sources, but with this learning experience, I am more confident to do it better in future.

The learning process evolved me as a critical thinker and analyzer due to which I can now understand various aspects of business research and decide how to carry the research forward (Jackson, 2015). Not only in business research but also in practical life, I can analyze things from different perspectives before taking a decision. The learning process helped me understand course in a better manner through great involvement and understanding of topics. Considering the impact of the learning experience on the overall program, it will help me to understand overall programs and other subjects in detail with their practical applicability. Now I can understand what data I should use and what should not be used, what valid data source is and what is not and how to develop original work and give credibility through reference to others.

In future career too, while I work, I can implement these aspects of business research to practical implication, while dealing with colleagues and while presenting my work. Also, I can undertake a business research for a company or be a part of such team and do it with much comfort due to the learning experience I had in this course. In general life, the learning experience has made me visionary, critical thinker and looking all aspects of the business before taking a decision. All these qualities gained through learning experience will help me grow in my life too.


Knowing my learning style, in the beginning, I was a little upset about how am going to manage and learn this course. However, during the study, I was very excited as I was able to apply some of my previously learned concepts in learning this course. During assignments, I was overwhelmed to see the application of learned concepts in the real world which encouraged me to incorporate more concepts in assessments 1 and 2.

In the beginning, I found it difficult to learn weekly, but then I developed my way of learning and is strictly my choice. At the beginning of each week, I read the topic outline, skimmed through lecture notes and did extra reading and understand the topic. I did this regularly to understand my subject better. In the beginning, I missed many important points which subsided in a later stage. I started doing hidden homework in lecture notes to gain a better understanding of topics. I would revise the topics after doing such homework by writing the main points and revising them for each chapter. This way, I got a better understanding of the subject. I also used the online library and referred articles and books to gain a better knowledge of the subject. In addition, finally, I read the topic outline, lecture notes along with extra readings recommended that resulted in me having better hold on the subject. In this final stage, I would capture all important points, even those that were missed in the beginning stage. There is lots of work involved, but I managed to do it during the learning process.


Business research came as a practical application of the theoretical knowledge I gained during coursework. I thought I knew the concepts well, but when I started applying in my business research project, I realized that having theoretical knowledge is not enough. I had to re-read my course work for each topic and then make my decisions on how to carry business research. This included deciding on research problems, research questions, hypothesis, deciding on sources to review for research and so on (Bryman & Bell, 2015). This also included a large amount of brainstorming to decide research methodology which included deciding on various aspects of research methodology like primary data or secondary data, research method like qualitative or quantitative method, deciding on the sample, a method of collecting data and analyzing them. All these involves a lot of efforts and learning which can be understood when I went through the preparation of actual business research.

During completion of assessment task 1 on literature review and assessment task 2 on the business research proposal, I got to understand the complications of business research. The first thing was to decide on the source I need to select for conducting a literature review. Online source is not validated, and thus I decided to use source available in our university library. In the beginning, I was confused about which book or source to use and which research to consider. The same became clear once I referred the coursework. However, I can say that after completion of assessment 2, I can make my literature review even better. Business research taught me how to apply practically what is learned theoretically and provided clarity regarding all the concepts. The business research took a lot to planning as I had to read and re-read the concepts before applying and making a decision regarding how to carry business research. This made the process interesting, and though it took the time to prepare a research proposal, my concepts got cleared, and I understood the practical application of all the concepts.


The learning process has helped me grow as a person, wider my knowledge field and made me a critical thinker rather than just providing me with concepts. The new insights I have developed include critical thinking, avid researcher, knowing the subject, self-study and concept and topic analyzing and brainstorming. The learning process has taught me that that theory is the base for practical application and is not the only practical application.

In addition, developing a hypothesis is not an easy task. One cannot just put the problem and turn into a hypothesis. There should be a base or problem on the basis of which hypothesis is developed. That is what I learned in this learning process. The entire research process is an experience which covers all the aspects of this course and provides clarity in their usage. The conclusion provided in assignment 1 and assignment two were based on the content of both these assignments respectively.

For assignment 1, writing literature review was difficult for me in the beginning as I had to decide what data is relevant and should be included and what not. Also, referencing style was not much clear, but while applying the same in the assignment, I learned to reference too. Assignment 2, the research proposal is the base for research and provides guidelines for conducting research. Therefore, it is very critical to understand each point in the research proposal and work accordingly.


The learning will help me to conduct research in a better manner. Also, my first experience of conducting assessment 1 and assessment 2 gave me an idea of how to conduct research, and I can conduct in a better manner than I did before. In future too, in my profession as a researcher, I can conduct my work better, and I know how to do a particular research and what should be the focus of research. I can analyze a problem and get a solution to it through thorough research not only in my profession but also in life.


Thus, from above discussion, as seen the learning experience has been great and has helped me to conduct my research and apply theory in practical as well. The experience and learning I gained from this course will help me not only in professional growth but life too.


Bolton, G. E. (2014). Reflective Practice: Writing and Professional Development. SAGE Publications Ltd.

Bryman, A., & Bell, E. (2015). Business Research Methods, (Fourth Edition). UK: Oxford University Press.

Jackson, S. L. (2015). Research Methods and Statistics; Critical Thinking Approach, (5th edn). USA: Cengage.


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