How Does FitBit Work?


Fitness is gaining importance and people across the world are doing everything they can to stay fit. This has becomes more popular now as the lifestyle has become more comfortable and easy which has made people unfit and obese over time.


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    Fitness is gaining importance and people across the world are doing everything they can to stay fit. This has becomes more popular now as the lifestyle has become more comfortable and easy which has made people unfit and obese over time. Hence its importance is realised and the need of the hour is to get active and stay fit and healthy.

    There are many ways to stay fit. You can find a routine or a program that suits you best after consulting your doctor. The advancement of technology saw the rise of watches that could be used as fitness trackers. One such popular fitness tracker is the FitBit. These devices use sensors and algorithms to calculate and report your daily stats. These devices can count the number of floors you climb as they have an altimeter inside that tracks this easily. The Fitbit device uses a 3-axis accelerometer to sense your motions and turns movements into digital measurements. This device gives detailed information about frequency, duration, intensity, and movement patterns. This helps to count the steps you walked, distance traveled, calories burnt, and sleep quality.

    The device has a finely tuned algorithm for step counting. You can set your target steps and it will let you know by means of an alarm that you have achieved your target for the day. It even encourages you to sleep well by letting you set it up during your sleep time and you can ask to be woken up with an alarm. It is fairly easy to use and is user friendly. It helps provide that daily motivation that is much needed today. Distance is calculated by multiplying your walking steps by your walking stride length. Similarly it does the same thing for running. You will be asked to enter your personal details before you start and set weekly targets for yourself.

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