Peer Review and Feedback Is a Valuable Tool For Enhancing Academic Outcomes For Students in Higher Education.


Essay topics
Topic 1: Peer review and feedback is a valuable tool for enhancing academic outcomes for students in higher education. [Note peer in this case means student to student, not peer review of academic journal articles.]

Peer Review and Feedback is a Valuable Tools for Enhancing Academic Outcomes for Students in Higher Education

Peer review has built every student’s investment in writing and supports students in understanding proper relationships in their coursework and writing in a way that most undergraduates overlook sometimes. This has forced students to engage with writing and encourages self-reflexivity that fosters major thinking skills.

Peer review has been applied in the education field. That is a collaborative technique to learning where every student assesses some other student’s work and provides their feedback with an overreaching target to develop student learning procedures.

The thesis statement of this essay is peer review is a valuable tool to increase academic outcomes for all students in their higher studies.

The peer review process shall be applied to every assurance service in a practice unit. This is mainly designed for assessing the quality, validity and frequent articles’ originality for publication.

A peer review system exists to validate academic work, and it helps to develop published quality research and enhance networking possibilities.

This is when other independent experts in this education field assess a researcher’s work.

Peer review is a filter for ensuring that perfect research quality has been published, particularly in reputable journals (Winstone and Carless, 2019).

It could always be counted when anyone requires something to be completed immediately.

Peer review is closely related to self-assessment or self-review, which encourages every student to take a reflective and active role in learning, promoting advanced thinking and cognitive skills.

This is the process subject of the scholarly work of a researcher, and it is an idea for scrutiny by others who are experts in the educational field (Laurillard et al. 2018).

The communication skills of this tool in every student are exceptional as well. It appreciates in a particular way to get the point across properly.

Peer review provides a structured learning process for all students to provide and critique feedback with one another in their work.

Peer review helps students improve such lifelong skills in providing feedback to one another and equips them with proper skills (Anthonysamy et al., 2020).

In education, it is evaluated through peers or colleagues of every activity for summative and formative.

Peer review helps all students to understand the relationship between their course and work expectations.

This has included contribution, overview, acceptability, strengths and weaknesses.

Peer review also included such manuscript’s context and contribution to the researcher.

Peer review has acted as a proper filter to confirm perfect research quality published in reputable journals.

The main purpose is to support peers in keeping on track, recognising mistakes and learning skills about problem-solving (Alexander, 2020).

Reviewers are looking for timeliness, accuracy and perfectness of manuscripts that could affect research publishing.

Discussion, graphic organizers and observations are three major examples of the peer review of this supporting point.

Peer review has been applied in the education field, and that is a collaborative technique for assessing students.

This allows everyone to keep on the proper track in higher education.

Peer review has identified every mistake and also helps students to correct all mistakes.

It has helped managers to discover some hidden talents of the students.

Peer review allows one to workshop ideas, develop overall written communication and receive constructive feedback from the audience (Carless and Boud, 2018).

Peer review is a significant tool that enhances every academic outcome for most higher-student students.

Peer review has proven to be a proper quality control measure in medical research. It is also a procedure that a professional review has to ensure its accuracy.

In this essay, it is concluded that peer review is mainly based on such selective tests and is well directed for assessing whether it is designed and compliant with the system providers of a firm.


Alexander, B., 2020. Academia next: The futures of higher education. Johns Hopkins University Press. HQ: Baltimore, Maryland, United States

Anthonysamy, L., Koo, A.C. and Hew, S.H., 2020. Self-regulated learning strategies and non-academic outcomes in higher education blended learning environments: A one decade review. Education and Information Technologies25(5), pp.3677-3704.

Carless, D. and Boud, D., 2018. The development of student feedback literacy: enabling uptake of feedback. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education43(8), pp.1315-1325.

Laurillard, D., Kennedy, E., Charlton, P., Wild, J. and Dimakopoulos, D., 2018. Using technology to develop teachers as designers of TEL: Evaluating the learning designer. British Journal of Educational Technology49(6), pp.1044-1058.

Winstone, N. and Carless, D., 2019. Designing effective feedback processes in higher education: A learning-focused approach. Routledge. HQ: Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxfordshire


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