Research Proposal on Outsourcing


Table of Contents

Introduction of Research Project 2

Research Questions and Justification on Outsourcing. 3

Research Question. 3

Justification. 4

Research Methodology. 7

Sample Size and Sampling Approach. 7

Research Location. 8

Research Schedule. 8

Limitation of Research Methodology. 8

Expected Outcome of Research Project 9

References. 9

The introduction of Research Project – In this research report we will discuss the outsourcing. As we know every coin has two sides one may be negative or may be positive. In the same manner, outsourcing also has benefit and limitation. Outsourcing is a reasonable cost saving framework when used suitably. It is sometimes more sensible to purchase a not too bad from associations with than it is to make the immense inside. Outsourcing implies exactly what it says going “out” to discover the “source” of what you require. Nowadays numerous business outsources for what they have to serve their clients, both inside and outside. An outside client is an element that eventually buys an organization’s item or administrations, while an inward client is the organization’s particular representatives or shareholders. Business can get both items like machine parts, and administrations like finance, through outsourcing. In the report, we will discuss benefit and limitation from outsourcing to the organization. This proposal has been prepared based on previous work prepared as a literature review. Whole research has been done in three different part of study are –

  1. The first part of research includes introduction of the research project in which we need to introduce to the topic of research.
  2. In the second part of the research, we will discuss a question which we will discuss in research as well as the justification for it.
  3. In the third part, we will discuss the methodology used for the purpose of research.

Research Questions and Justification on Outsourcing – Every research has been started with the advantage and disadvantage from it as before using that particular strategy and methodology we need to understand benefit and limitation from it which helps us to understand overall benefit from it. This can be identified by question and solution of question only.

Research Question –

Research questions of the topic are –

  1. What are benefits of outsourcing to the organization?
  2. What are the limitations from outsourcing to the organization?
  3. How outsourcings affect the organization in operation of its business?
  4. The role of outsourcing in business and how it can be used for the benefit to the organization?
  5. Why most of the organization use outsourcing for business in some of the aspects in which they do not have expertise?
  6. What are positive and negative things of outsourcing which we need to understand for entering in SLA first?
  7. What is the impact of outsourcing in the long run on business?


Justification of research questions is the reason behind the selection of particular research questions for the research as research question is the point on which we will make research of the topic hence selection of research questions should be done in the manner which fulfills the objective of the research. Vague research question does not help us to reach our target of research hence we will select research question which is strongly related to research –

Question No. Justification
1 Question 1 of the research is about the benefit from research to the organization which is going to outsource their work. No one will enter the agreement in which he does not have any benefit from that particular agreement. Outsourcing is also one of the agreements in which one organization provide work to other organization for the agreement period hence if outsourcer does not have any benefit that he will not enter to outsource the work. To identify the resolution of this question, we need to understand case to case as every outsourcing activity has a different kind of benefit and by seeing that benefit, the organization will enter into an agreement for outsourcing.   Therefore these questions can be considered as important questions for the purpose of research.
2 This question is about limitation and disadvantage to the organization from outsourcing of work. As we know by just seeing benefit from any strategy and methodology is not a proper way to analyze it rather one need to analyze benefit as well as a limitation from it. By Analyzing both the things at the time, we need to identify the safeguards to overcome limitations. Limitation helps to the organization for overcome limitations as well things which one needs to take care while entering into the research.
3 This question is about the impact of outsourcing on organization other than benefit and limitation from outsourcing to the organization. This question is also considered as very significant for the analysis of research as we know research question is always two-fold in which we need to cover everything about the topic. In the research we need to identify impact from outsourcing to the organization is also important as some of the impacts can be considered as, not a benefit nor limitation but which affect the working system, working environment of the organization hence we need to understand it for proper analysis.
4 Every methodology plays important role in working pattern, the operation of business and profitability of business. In the same manner, outsourcing also plays an important role for the organization hence it is necessary for us to understand the role of outsourcing in business.
5 This question is one kind of example type questions in which we need to identify the reason behind the use of outsourcing by business in which organization does not have expertise. One of the essential reasons why a business might need to outsource an assignment is the point at which it requires talented mastery. To enable us to concentrate on our center mission in giving a top notch item and administration to our client offshoring the undertaking to individuals who can perform it better bodes well. Outsourcing demonstrates an expansion in our profitability, business esteem, the level of value, client reliability, benefits, and a great deal more.
6 This question is about service level agreement with positive and negative aspects of service level agreement. This question is also considerable as important questions for the purpose of analysis. As without understanding of negative and positive aspects of SLA, one cannot enter proper agreement hence we should have a proper understanding of SLA.
7 The impact of outsourcing different in the long run as well as in short run hence this question is also important for considered in the report. As work has been outsourced by any organization for long run hence we need to understand the impact of outsourcing on the organization in the long run. As we know, outsourcing helps us to our association to pick up an aggressive edge in the market. Through key outsourcing to an outsourcing accomplice, outsourcing is not just furnishing our clients with best-of-breed administrations however expanding our profitability while dealing with our in-house assets insightfully in long run business. Outsourcing can help us to outperform contenders who have not yet understood the advantages of outsourcing.

Research Methodology – The approach incorporates the improvement of a hazard profile for a given provider through the production of Bayesian systems. The systems are utilized to examine a provider’s outer operational and arrange chance probabilities, and the related income effects on the association. The technique can be utilized by production network experts to encourage outsourcing choices with either present or imminent providers. In this exploration, flow outsourcing research techniques are gathered by five classifications: applied structure, contextual analysis, study, scientific displaying, and money related information examinations; inquire about the degree is recognized by three ranges: outsourcing determinant, outsourcing process, and outsourcing result.

Sample Size and Sampling Approach – Outsourcing an inexorably well-known administration hone in organizations of all sizes incorporate little and huge. Analyzing the reception of outsourcing from the all around created hypothetical establishment of development dissemination may reveal some insight into huge elements that influence the selection choice, and clear up some misperceptions. This review investigates the wellsprings of impact in the appropriation of outsourcing. Utilizing an example of 175 firms that outsourced their capacities amid the period from January 2005 to January 2015, we tried three theories of wellsprings of impacts utilizing four dissemination models: interior impact, outer impact, and two blended impact models. Our discoveries recommend that the blended impact the prevailing impact consider the dissemination of outsourcing and that there no confirmation of the “Kodak impact” in the dispersion procedure. Assist talks are given about the potential issues in investigations of impact wellsprings of IT advancement dissemination.

Research Location – For the analysis of research we have selected location as US and UK which is most outsourcer country hence we will analyze the case study from both the country also select firm for the analysis from USA and UK.

Research schedule –

Particular Period
Gathering of information from past survey on the topic 15th January 2017 to 26th January 2017
Analysis of information for the purpose of detail research 28th January to 5th February 2017
Research from outsourcer firm 6th February to 27th February 2017
Conducting interview 28th February 2017 to 31st March 2017
Analysis of finding 1st April 2017 to 15th April 2017

Limitation of Research Methodology – Outsourcing raised as a well known operational methodology in the 1990s and the majority of the current writing was set up in a similar time. Be that as it may, the consequence of outsourcing is as yet dubious. The reason for this article is to bring up crevices in the present writing and inspect the connection between outsourcing usage and firms’ execution measurements by investigating hard information. If the examination is accounted for on in the paper, this segment must be finished and ought to incorporate proposals for future research and any distinguished confinements in the exploration procedure.

Expected Outcome of Research Project – given the writing survey, the writer gives the guide of future research on outsourcing comes about. To our best learning, this is the primary far-reaching writing survey which advises the significant holes and future research openings in outsourcing study. This article makes sense of three principle crevices in the flow writing: absence of target measurements for outsourcing comes about assessment, the absence of research on the connection between outsourcing usage and firms’ esteem, and absence of research on the outsourcing contract itself. Based on the analysis this research is to be considered as very beneficial and advantageous for the organization to outsource work for the proper utilization of resources.


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Gottschalk, P. and Solli‐Sæther, H. (2005). Critical success factors from IT outsourcing theories: an empirical study. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 105(6), pp.685-702.

Hu, Q., Saunders, C., and Gebelt, M. (1997). Research Report: Diffusion of Information Systems Outsourcing: A Reevaluation of Influence Sources. Information Systems Research, 8(3), pp.288-301.

Jiang, B. and Qureshi, A. (2006). Research on outsourcing results: current literature and future opportunities. Management Decision, 44(1), pp.44-55.


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