Tutorial 1


Answer the Following Questions
Question 1: Write three advantages and three disadvantages of ‘Packet Switching’
compared to ‘Circuit Switching’? [3 Marks]
Question 2: Differentiate between ‘Datagram Packet Switching’ and ‘Virtual Circuit
Packet Switching’? [3 Marks]
Question 3: Differentiate between Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) and
Domain Name System (DNS)? [3 Marks]
Question 4: What Application Layer and Transport Layer Protocols are used when you
access “www.google.com” from your web browser? [3 Marks]
Question 5: Why Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is called as Connection
Oriented? Briefly explain [3 Marks]














Question 1

“Packet Switching” is some data packet that is configured by the “datagram” of a “virtual circuit”, whereas “Circuit switching” is a predetermined connection establishment that can be added before a connection takes place.

There are several advantages and disadvantages of ‘Packet Switching’ compared to ‘Circuit Switching’. Three of them are mentioned below-

  • “Circuit switching” has a “dedicated path”, whereas “packet switching” does not have any (Vo, 2018).
  • The “path information” of “circuit switching” is dedicated to a single conversation, whereas the “path formation” for the “packet switching” route can be accepted on a packet basis service of the conversations which are connected by “datagram.”
  • “Call setup delay” can be found in “circuit switching”, whereas “packet transmission delay” can be found in “Packet switching.”

Question 2

“Datagram packet switching” is a “connectionless service” that does not need a reservation or a “dedicated path”. All packets of this are free from “any available path”.  According to Snaps-Sneppe & Namiot (2018), therefore “intermediate routers” detect the routes of the “dynamically changing routing tables” on the upcoming routes. “Data packets” reach their destination in random orders.

“Virtual Circuit packet switching” is a “connection-oriented” packet that includes various reservations like “buffers”, “bandwidth”, etc. Here, the packet sent first receives resources at servers at each point, and the subsequent packets will follow the previous path. Therefore, packets will reach the destination according to the order in which they are sent from the resource end.

Question 3

“DNS” or “Domain Name System” will connect to the “DNS server”, in which they are translated into “IP Address”, and those are translated into the “Domain names”. It has 53 “post numbers”. “UDP” and “TCP” are the protocols that are supported by “DNS”. It is a “decentralized system” (Mijovic, Shehu & Buratti, 2016).

“DHCP” or “Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol” is not the mapping process like “DNS”. The “DHCP” server is mainly used to configure the hosts that hold the system mechanically and physically. It works within 67 or 68 “post numbers”. Here in this, the “UDP protocol” is followed. “DHCP” is the following “centralized system”.

Question 4

            When a website like “www.google.com” from a web browser is open, several “application layer protocols” come into use in terms of security. They are-

  • TELNET- “TELNET” stands for “TELecommunication NETworks”, which will help with “terminal emulation”. Cleats are get accessed to the telnet server with the help of these.
  • FTP- “FTP” stands for “File Transfer Protocol”. This is where the files are transferred. It can connect two machines. It can also be considered a program (Lee, Kim & Jeong, 2017).
  • TFTP- “TFTP” stands for “Trivial File Transfer Protocol”, which can be considered as a shock version of “FTP”. This is the protocol choice of the system.

Question 5

“TCP” or “Transmission Control Protocol” is a connection-controlled stander that helps to “enable the application programs” as well as help to “compute the devices” for exchanging messages over the networks. It is mainly designed for sending and receiving packets and determining the report of successfully delivered data. According to Girish & Pande (2020), the “Transmission Control Protocol” or “TCP” is called “connection-oriented” because the application of “TCP” can begin with the data from one to another. “First, they need to handshake with each other” to maintain a bonhomie atmosphere within the application. Some preliminary steps help to establish the required parameters to ensure the “data transfer”. The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is called Connection Oriented.


Girish, M. N., & Pande, A. (2020). Improving TCP performance in wireless networks.

Lee, K., Kim, S., & Jeong, J. P. (2017, March). DNSNAv4: DNS name autoconfiguration for Internet-of-Things devices in IPv4 networks. In 2017 31st International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (WAINA) (pp. 347-351). IEEE.

Mijovic, S., Shehu, E., & Buratti, C. (2016, September). Comparing application layer protocols for the Internet of Things via experimentation. In 2016 IEEE 2nd International Forum on Research and Technologies for Society and Industry Leveraging a better tomorrow (RTSI) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.

Sneps-Sneppe, M., & Namiot, D. (2018, November). Time to rethink the power of packet switching. In 2018 23rd Conference of Open Innovations Association (FRUCT) (pp. 369-374). IEEE.

Vo, H. L. (2018). An implementation of packet-switched communication for pilot protection at Tennessee Valley Authority.


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