What are the different branches of science?


What are the different branches of science?


Answer ( 1 )


    Science is an important topic at school and college level. If you have chosen as your career path, then you must be aware of the different branches that come under science. Science is a vast topic and has numerous topics and sub-topics under it. Some important branches under science are physics, chemistry and biology. These are the three main branches. Under these branches, there are further subdivisions. Let us consider each one to understand better.
    Physics –
    Physics consists of light, electricity, magnetism, current, etc
    Chemistry –
    Chemistry consists of chemicals, carbons, atoms, liquids, gases, matter, etc
    Biology –
    Biology consists of living things, earth, plants, animals, cell division, etc.
    Science is also classified as Formal, Natural and Social Science. Physical science is further subdivided into big and small and consists of the study of astronomy, geosciences, chemistry and mechanics etc. Social sciences consists of sociology, psychology etc. Life Science is subdivided into functional and cellular. Formal science consists of mathematics and logic. Natural Science is based on observed phenomena. Social science deals with human behavior and societies.
    Physical science consists of Physics, Chemistry, Earth Science, Ecology, Oceanography, Geology, Meteorology, and space science or Astronomy. Life Science consists of Biology, Zoology, Human biology, and Botany. Formal Science deals with decision theory, logic, Mathematics, Statistics, Systems theory, theoretical computer science etc. Applied Science consists of Engineering, Applied Mathematics, Applied Physics, Medicine and Computer Science.
    Each of the topics mentioned above is a vast and endless topic on its own. Each sub division has enough matter to learn to be able to do a thesis in it. There are many interesting branches of science and depending on what discipline suits you best, you can choose the best fit for yourself.

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