What to Do : Project Blog and Weekly Progress Reporting


1. Set up and develop your Project Blog as required for this task and later assessment task. The blog will store entries made by you throughout the subject to document the project stages and milestones, seminar notes and other important notes. Your local lecturer may advise on a suitable alternative process if studying on-campus.

2. You can use CSU’s Thinkspace site at http://thinkspace.csu.edu.au/ (use your CSU Login ID) or a blog site of your own choice. CSU Thinkspace is recommended or else WordPress, Google’s Blogger (https://www.blogger.com/home) are common blogging systems, but you may have your own favorite site to use.

3. Choose and develop a limited blogger profile and enter a suitable TITLE for your blog (e.g. Joe’s Wireless Technology Project) – not your full name. For WEB ADDRESS – use your student number as your account name (URL) or other unique identifier.

4. Make a first post – a short introduction about you and the project – remember to save, then Publish the blog entry. Check with a friend or family member to ensure that he/she can see your first posting. This is also to check you have the right URL to include in this proposal and plan for your project.

5. Post a copy of the BLOG address to to the DISCUSSION FORUM to share with others and to demonstrate that you are underway in the subject.

6. For each week from Week 2 to Week 12 inclusive, add a blog post for each Weekly Progress Report as described below.

Weekly Progress Reports

1. From Weeks 2 to 12 in the Schedule, you are required to Submit/Bring or Present a Weekly Progress Report on your Capstone project.

2. The Weekly Reports will follow the plan you make in Assessment Item 2 Project Proposal and Plan.

3. The format will be described by the local lecturer as student are studying in various learning modes either in weekly classes or online weekly (on Project Blog) via Online Study mode.

4. The template below can be modified for use:


Answer ( 1 )


    My name is _____. I am doing capstone project on topic “Computer Crimes : How Governments are hacking data too”.

    My topic is related to Information and technology. The topic itself defines that the present age has observed a new era of hacking done by the Government agencies of different countries. The efforts will therefore be made to check for the relevance of this topic. That is if this claim is correct and in reality the Government agencies are hiring cyber hackers for hacking sites of other countries. The research will be made on collecting data and other information that are relevant to the topic. The research will concentrate on methods deployed by the hackers backed by the Government agencies in stealing away information and other data inputs from other country database. Attempts will also be made to identify the countries which are actively participating in this process. Also the countries on which these cyber hacking attempts are made will be identified. In addition the research will try to figure out the amount of money that is at stake due to cyber hacking.

    The research project will continue for 10 weeks and each week the blogging will be done to update the readers about the updates related to the project. The project will consist of introduction, literature review, research methodology, analysis, recommendations and conclusion. This way the whole process of reporting of the study through this research will pass through various headings and subheading so that the readers can be made aware of different aspects of research.

    The research will also try to concentrate on various aspects that are affected by the application of cyber hacking followed by present day Government agencies. The main intention behind this kind of involvement will be researched and reported through this report.

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