Which discipline to choose?


Which discipline to choose?


Answer ( 1 )


    The question of which discipline to choose stresses most of us these days. It can be confusing for some if they are not clear early on in life as to what their calling is. Some realize early and some take an entire life time. Going to a career counselor might help narrow down the options or even come to some decision.
    Surfing the internet can confuse you even further as there are endless options for each subject and branch. You must be aware of the main field of interest else you will be completely lost. For instance if you like the Arts, you cannot pursue science discipline as you not be able to understand or may not be interested in it.
    Here is a brief list of three common disciplines – arts, science and commerce
    • Arts – this is a diverse field comprising of many forms of art. It includes humanities, history, geography, political science, English, economics, psychology, sociology, literature, languages, painting, drawing etc. You can choose to become an artist as well and learn art from popular schools of art in your area
    • Commerce – this is inclined towards math and numbers such as statistics, mathematics, accountancy, economics, business studies, and so on. If you are good with numbers, then this field is well suited to your needs.
    • Science – has many sub-branches within in it such as physics, chemistry, biology, zoology, botany, astrophysics, computer science, environmental science, earth science, oceanography, geology, life science, logic, math’s, meteorology, applied sciences, medicine and so on.
    All these branches and sub-branches have a lot of potential for jobs and a career path forward. Depending on the field or discipline that suits your likes and dislikes, you can choose a field that you can do justice to and take on successfully for a life time.

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