Why do eclipses occur?


Why do eclipses occur?


Answer ( 1 )


    There are two types of eclipses, solar and lunar. Solar eclipse occurs when the Moon’s shadow falls on the Earth. It happens when the Moon is in a direct line with Sun and the Earth. The Moon’s shadow travels over the Earth’s surface and blocks out the Sun’s light as seen from Earth. The Moon crosses the Earth’s orbital plane twice a year and these are the times when an eclipse can occur. There are 3 types of Solar eclipses, namely, total, partial and annular.
    The Moon’s shadow has 2 parts, the umbra or the central region and the penumbra or the outer region. Depending on which part of the shadow passes over you, you will see the above 3 types of eclipses. If you are in the umbra region, you will experience a total solar eclipse. If you are in the penumbra region, you will see a partial solar eclipse. An annular eclipse is one where the Moon is too far away and there is no region of totality and the umbra does not reach you. You will see a ring like silver light called annular. Solar eclipses can occur only in the new Moon phase.
    When the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon during a full Moon phase, the Earth causes a complete shadow block on the Moon called the lunar eclipse. The umbra region is the central shadow region and the penumbra is the outer region. Lunar eclipse does not occur during every full moon because of the position of all three Sun, Moon and Earth will not be exactly aligned.

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