Why is iOS so restricted?


Why is iOS so restricted?


Answer ( 1 )


    The iOS was not always this strict on regulations and restricted as it is now. But over the years, facing certain boot issues to name one, they decided to allow restrictions to make the OS safer. This applies to apple products and Mac OS. It includes iPhones, iPod, iPad, Mac OS, etc.
    Not all people who use technology are technology savvy. Some may not even know when they tinker with a device and cause unnecessary problems. To resolve this and many other related issues, they decided to make the restrictions so that users are limited in what they can do with their devices. The restrictions are universally applied on all devices. iOS does not allow download of third party apps and browsers. When you use an iPhone or any Apple device, you will be required to use only Apple products such as the Safari browser, itunes, and other in-built systems apps and games.
    Some users may find this annoying as they have to make a complete lifestyle change towards Apple products. If you are used to an Android phone, you will find it almost impossible to shift your liking towards an iOS. Although if you look at it from the safety point of view, it is the safest phone to have and you can be assured you will not be hacked so easily. It is like a fortress to the rest of the world and keeps everything within it safe and secure. The good news also is that unlike other phones, you will not need antivirus software to ensure your phone’s safety.
    If you can get past the fact that you will now have to move towards Apple products and services, you can actually enjoy using this phone. In today’s time of constant hacking threats, it makes sense to have the restrictions to avoid being affected.

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