Objectives Please refer to the Unit Profile to see how this assessment item relates to the Unit Learning Outcomes. This assignment is designed to stimulate critical thinking outside of the classroom by requiring students to write a formal academic report. You will ...

ASSESSMENT TWO: PREPARATION SHEET Case Study and Literature Review (30%) Preparation This assignment has two components. The first is a short literature review on career  management and networking. The second is a summary of your career decision making  based on the case ...

Objectives Please refer to the Unit Profile to see how this assessment item relates to the Unit Learning Outcomes. This assignment is designed to stimulate critical thinking outside of the classroom by requiring students to write ...

CASE STUDY SCENARIO Work-related fatalities are often associated with the unsafe design of machinery, plant and powered tools. A lot of equipment used in Australian workplaces is designed and manufactured overseas. This can lead to inappropriate equipment being brought to and ...

Requirements Week 3 – Portfolio: Critical Thinking (5 marks) Task This portfolio item requires you to write two paragraphs about Critical Thinking. Your entire submission should be approximately 350 words in length. It should be written objectively in third person. Your first paragraph should include ...

Using appropriate authoritative sources, create a 1,500 word research report that: explains the role of data analysis tools and data mining in contemporary organisations • identifies and explains the ethical implications around gathering, storing and using customer information In Resources is an ...

For each material, prepare two paragraphs: Paragraph 1:  the key ideas from the materials – not a summary – you must select the key ideas (most important) and talk about them. Paragraph 2:  identify an organisation which would benefit from ...