Review Project Outcomes Using Available Records.


Activity 3B

Question 1:
Refer to provided case studies from A-E where require, Review the overall project outcomes by confirming the following elements:

A. Were the estimated costs roughly accurate?
B. What was the total cost overall?
C. Was the total cost in line with budgetary expectations and allowances?
D. Did the individual elements of the project meet cost expectations?
E. What elements of the project were under- or overspent?
F. What were the lessons learned?
G. Did any contingencies occur?

















Activity 3B

Q1 Project outcome review

  1. Estimated costs were overall accurate.
  2. The total cost of the overall project was around
  3. Total costs were closely aligned with budget allowances.
  4. Despite dealing with issues like cost overrun, each component performed fairly in terms of financial parameters.
  5. Resource allocation process and finance were overspent from the proposed budget.
  6. Project helped in understanding the importance of developing a contingency plan that significantly helps in dealing with uncertainties and changes.
  7. Yes, a few tasks were not completed before the deadline and additional times were added for those tasks to effectively complete this project.

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