The changing impact of the government directive on board diversity to enhance corporate performance – a critical evaluation for the UK corporate sectors


The changing impact of the government directive on board diversity to enhance
corporate performance – a critical evaluation for the UK corporate sectors
Aim : ?
Objectives : ?
RQs : ?
Research Rational: ?
For this topic , in case this is doable ?
Module Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the module, In relation to the
Subject-Specific Knowledge, Understanding & Application
a) Describe and evaluate the purpose of applied research for strategic
decision-making, in the context of own choice of business and management research
b) Critically evaluate research project design and implementation, including
organisation/ sector context, research question formulation, ethical and methodological
c) Select, evaluate and synthesise sources of information associated with a business or
management topic.
d) Appraise and apply a recognised method of analysis to secondary information.
e) Propose recommendations that demonstrate an entrepreneurial mind-set, and that
consider stakeholder impact, sustainability, and value.
Employability & Changemaker Skills
f) Critically reflect upon preferences and experiences in the context of
personal, professional and career development.
g) Demonstrate self-direction and originality in tackling and solving problems, and act
autonomously in planning and implementing tasks.
h) Structure and communicate a coherent and sustained argument
• Theoretical perspectives on applied research for strategic management
• Practical approaches to research design
• Ethical and methodological dimensions of applied research
• Devising research questions/hypotheses
• Sources of secondary information and data; secondary data, research
• literature, grey literature, documents
• Selecting, evaluating, analysing and synthesising information
• Proposing, costing and planning recommendations
• Writing skills for different audiences; the long form feature article
• Creating a video proposal
I need help with stated assignment . The assignment is in two parts

MUST submit an article (4,000 words) and a portfolio (4,500 words) excluding
appendices, footnotes, marking sheet, ethics clearance form, table of contents, and
cover page. See the required format/content for article and portfolio as well as the
marking rubric for the article and portfolio for more details. Students MUST engage with
their groups and supervisors as soon as they assigned to them.


Answers ( 2 )

    This answer was edited.

    In the methodology chapter, the deductive approach has been followed. The researchers in this aspect have
    used positivism philosophy. The researchers follow secondary quantitative data for the research. Thus, they
    have to conduct statistical analysis to evaluate the statistical significance of the research.
    In the data analysis, results and discussion chapter, secondary qualitative data has been used to conduct
    statistical analysis based on turnover percentage in different sectors and the overall turnover in the financial
    year 2015. SPSS has been used to conduct the data analysis for evaluating corporate performance.
    Descriptive statistics and regression analysis have been conducted in this aspect.
    Table of Contents

    • Portfolio: Research Methodology, Design, and Methods. 3
    • Introduction. 3
    • Research philosophy. 3
    • Research approach. 4
    • Research design. 5
    • Data sources and types. 5
    • Population and sampling. 6
    • Data collection process. 6
    • Data analysis. 6
    • Ethical consideration. 7
    • Summary. 7
    • Portfolio: Data Analysis, Results, and Discussion. 8
    • Introduction. 8
    • Analysis of secondary quantitative data. 8
    • Summary. 20
    • References. 21

    Portfolio: Research Methodology, Design, and Methods


    Research methodology is an essential chapter as it outlines the major methods that have been used for
    research work. The expected outcomes of the study can be reached properly by using the right methodology.
    The process of data collection and its analysis have been detailed in this section. The important ethics
    followed in the research work are also presented in this section.

    Research philosophy

    The research philosophy enables the researcher to conduct the research in the proper direction. The
    philosophies used in the research process include”realism, interpretivism and positivism”. In this research, the
    “positivism philosophy” has been used by the researchers for analyzing the major factors quantitatively
    (Bairagi and Munot, 2019). The philosophy has been appropriate for the study as it supports the different
    dimensions of research, and the outcomes are based on the proper data analysis. In this case, the
    researchers collected the dataset relevant to the research process and focused on the quantitative outcomes.

    Research approach

    Figure 1: Research approach

    The research approach is important for the research purpose as it helps the researchers support the data
    retrieved for supporting the objective of the research. The used approaches include the “inductive research
    approach” and “deductive research approach”. The researchers have considered using the deductive
    approach” as suitable. The deductive approach allows for developing conclusive evidence considering the
    aim and objectives. The approach also supports different theories for delivering positive outcomes (Machado
    and Davim, 2020). The research aims for determining the changing impact of the government directive on
    board diversity for enhancing corporate performance Therefore the quantitative data requires prior analysis
    board diversity for enhancing corporate performance. Therefore, the quantitative data requires prior analysis
    and theories to support the research work in this context. Thus, the deductive approach has been suitable for
    the researchers in terms of supporting the research.

    Research design

    Figure 2: Research design

    The research work needs to be conducted in a systematic method that can help in evaluating the positive
    outcomes. In this context, the right protocol needs to be selected for meeting the aims and objectives.
    Selection of the right research design in this aspect is crucial. The overall outcomes of the study and its
    effectiveness are dependent on the research design. The research designs that are available for research are
    “exploratory design, explanatory design and descriptive design”. The researchers have followed a “descriptive
    research design” as per the requirement of the study. The descriptive research design is rich and
    supportsrting the various factual aspects (Novikov and Novikov, 2019). The analysis of the topic can be done
    by considering the various perspectives, and outcomes can be managed accordingly.

    Data sources and types

    The data sources used for the research include the “primary and the secondary data”. The data types include
    the “qualitative” and the “quantitative data”. In this research work, the “secondary quantitative data”. The
    “secondary data” consists of the previously published information, and the data is extracted for the research
    analysis (Ledford and Gast, 2018). The process is effective for evaluating the existing factors supporting the
    research work. “Quantitative data”, including numerical data, are collected for the research work. Statistical
    data has been collected for the research purpose from reliable sources that helped meet the research
    objectives (, 2021). All the collected statistical data are related to the UK sectors and their
    performances in the past years.

    Population and sampling

    The population of the research needs to be selected properly to meet the research requirements. The sample
    is included from the selected population. The population in this aspect which is selected, includes a dataset
    of the UK corporate sectors. The research has a follower secondary quantitative process, and a “random
    sampling technique” has been used in this research. A random dataset has been selected from the identified
    segment of datasets for the research work. The sampling technique has been the most effective in
    maintaining the quality of research. The sample size of the research includes a dataset of the total turnover of
    the UK sectors for FY 2015. The dataset also includes the percentages generated by the individual sectors for
    each individual year.

    Data collection process

    The overall research outcomes have reliability on the data collection procedures. The data collection process
    has been evaluated to have a connection with the sampling process. The research includes using the
    secondary “quantitative data” that have led to the conduction of the statistical analysis (Bairagi and Munot,
    2019). In this case, the appropriate dataset has been selected from the authentication platform to maintain
    the research’s integrity. This helped in delivering the quality outcomes meeting the aim of the research. The
    dataset which is selected is relevant to the research topic. Furthermore, it has been ensured by the
    researchers that the dataset selected includes the right information and is from the latest source.

    Data analysis

    The data collected for the research purpose requires proper analysis to meet the research questions. Thus, it
    is necessary to develop an analysis plan that allows the researchers for proper analysis. The research
    includes a data analysis plan relevant to the data sources. In case of the “secondary quantitative data
    analysis”, statistical analysis has been performed in the dataset (Machado and Davim, 2020). The data
    analysis tool issued for the research is “SPSS”, which has helped perform the calculations. The dataset
    samples that have been selected have been imported into the SPSS windows, and analyses have been
    conducted. The different SPSS statistical functions have been used in this aspect to evaluate the results’
    effectiveness. Descriptive and regression analyses have been performed on the dataset to ensure that
    outcomes successfully meet the research aim.

    Ethical consideration

    The professional followed all the important ethics while conducting the research work. Following the ethics in
    research has helped sustain the integrity of the outcomes. In case of “secondary quantitative research”, the
    dataset, including the statistics of the UK sectors, have been collected by the researchers. Proper
    acknowledgements of the authorities have been given in the research work (Novikovand Novikov, 2019). In
    selecting the dataset, it has been ensured that the platforms are authentic. The collected dataset has been
    used for the research work only, and it was deleted after research work. The research dataset had limited
    accessibility for maintaining the privacy of data. Only the research professionals had access to the dataset.
    No values within the dataset have been manipulated and used in research work.


    All the important methods followed in research work are outlined in this section. The approach, philosophy,
    design and other research factors have been discussed. The discussions about the selection of data for
    research and its relevant analysis have also been done. “Secondary quantitative analysis” has been
    performed, including statistical analysis on the dataset. A sample dataset including the data of the turnover
    of the different sectors in the UK has been considered for the analysis purpose. The important ethics that are
    followed for maintaining data integrity are also provided in this section.

    Portfolio: Data Analysis, Results, and Discussion


    In this chapter, “statistical analysis” has been conducted as “secondary quantitative research”. In the present
    scenario, a detailed evaluation of the “corporate performance” of the UK corporate sector will be done. The
    researchers conducted “descriptive statistics” and “regression analysis” to evaluate the relationship between
    the variables. SPSS is used to conduct the “statistical analysis”.

    Analysis of secondary quantitative data

    The research is conducted by analyzing the “corporate performance” of different sectors of the UK. In the
    present scenario, the overall “turnover” generated by different sectors till 2015 has been evaluated. The
    “corporate performance” includes market performance, shareholder performance and financial performance
    (Ntim et al. 2015). In this aspect, the “statistical analysis” has been conducted based on the “financial
    performance” of the banking sector, manufacturing sector, fund management sector, telecom sector and
    utility sector. Based on different variables, “descriptive statistics” and “regression analysis” has been
    conducted to evaluate the “statistical significance” of the research. The overall “turnover” of the corporate
    sectors can be evaluated in this aspect.

    Figure 3: Year wise performance

    (Source: Self-developed)
    The targeted industry in the current scenario is the banking sector. The graph presents the year wise turnover
    for the financial year 2006 to 2015. Before the government directive, the industry performance was not
    improving. It can be observed from the graph that the banking industry turnover was 47 on an average. The
    industry was lacking a governance structure that can help in making decisions and forming strategies. No
    proper implementation of rules and regulations were present that have affected the daily operations.
    Implementation of the government directive led to improved turnover during the financial years 2014 and
    2015. The turnover in the financial years 2014 and 2015 was 48 and 50. Therefore, an increasing trend in the
    turnover has been observed with the implementation of the government directive. The government directive
    has brought in new structure and regulations that have helped in improving the business process (Homan et
    al. 2020).

    Descriptive statistics between “percentage of sector turnover” in 2006 and total turnover
    Descriptive Statistics N Minimum Maximum Mean Std.Deviation
    2006. 33 8 92 46.85 25.800
    Total_turnover_for_sector_2015_(£_billions) 36 10 590 174.17 212.029
    Valid N (listwise) 33
    Table 2: Descriptive Statistics

    Based on the “descriptive statistics”, it is determined that the “mean value” and “standard deviation” of
    “turnover percentage in 2008” are 49.63 and 25.65, respectively. On the other hand, the “mean value” and
    “standard deviation” of “overall turnover” is 174.17 and 212.02, respectively. In this aspect, the “variances” of
    the variables can be evaluated. The variances are calculated as 658.005 and 44956.429, respectively. The
    corporate performance in the broad market of the country can be determined by statistical analysis.
    Regression analysis between turnover percentage in 2015 and overall turnover

    Descriptive Statistics Mean Std.Deviation N
    2015 48.36 24.164 36
    Total_turnover_for_sector_2015_(£_billions) 174.17 212.029 36
    Table 3: Descriptive Statistics

    A detailed estimation of the relationship between “dependent variables” and “independent variables” can be
    done by regression analysis. In this research, the “average value” of “turnover percentage” and “overall
    turnover” can be determined. The averages are detected as 48.36 and 174.17, respectively. A brief analysis of
    “standard deviation” is also done to ensure the research’s “statistical significance”. It indicates that the
    monetary performance of the banking sector and retail sector is satisfactory for the country (Kiel and
    Nicholson, 2016). The researchers can also make relevant decisions based on the “financial analysis”.

    Correlations 2015 Total_turnover_for_sector_2015_(£_billions)
    Pearson 2015 1.000 -.071
    Correlation Total_turnover_for_sector_2015_(£_billions) -.071 1.000
    Sig. (1-detailed)2015 Total_turnover_for_sector_2015_(£_billions) 341 341
    N 2015 36 36
    Total_turnover_for_sector_2015_(£_billions) 36 36
    Table 4: Correlation

    The “correlation analysis” between the variables has been conducted to identify the relationship between
    “turnover percentage” and “overall turnover” in 2015. The researchers can also meet the “objectives” of the
    research by conducting “correlation analysis”. In this case, the “turnover percentage” is considered as a
    “dependent variable”, and “overall turnover” is considered as an “independent variable”. The analysis identified
    “Pearson correlations” between the variables as 1 and 0.07, respectively. It signifies that there is no “statistical
    relationship” between the variables. Thus, the corporate sector management has to take the necessary steps
    to cope with the changing impact of “government directive on board diversity”.

    Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate Change Statistics
    R Square Change F Change df1 df2 Sig. F Change
    1 .071a .005 -.024 24.455 .005 .171 1 34 .682
    Table 5: Model Summary

    In the “model summary”, it is detected that the “standard error” and “R square change” are 24.45 and 0.005,
    respectively. The researchers can identify the “F change” as 0.171. In this aspect, the researchers can
    evaluate the overall performance of the corporate sectors. The “statistical analysis” evaluates that the “fund
    management sector” and “trust funds” generate less turnover than the other sectors. It reflects on the
    “turnover percentage” from the financial year 2006 to 2015. The “model summary” also evaluates the
    significance of the statistical method conducted in this research (Cui and Hu, 2018).

    Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
    Regression 102.411 1 102.411 171 682b
    Residual 20333.894 34 598.056
    Total 20436.306 35
    Table 6: ANOVA

    The researchers conducted the “ANOVA test” to determine the variability in the “data set”. The “mean square”
    and “sig value” have been identified in this aspect. The “mean square” of the two variables is 102.41 and
    598.06, respectively. As the “sig value” is greater than 0.05, the “null hypothesis” has been rejected in this
    “statistical analysis”. It also ensures the “statistical significance” of this research. Based on the analysis, it is
    also determined that the organizational management can make relevant decisions regarding “board diversity”
    to improve the “corporate performance” of the sectors situated in the UK (Riyadh, Sukoharsono and Alfaiza,

    Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients T Sig. 95.0% Confidence Interval for B
    B Std.Error Beta Lower Bound Upper Bound
    (Constant) 49.766 5.305 9.381 000 38.985 60.547
    Total_turnover_for_sector_2015_(£_billions) -.008 -.019 -.071 -.414 .682 -.048 .032
    Table 7: Coefficient

    It is necessary for the researchers to meet the “research objectives” to ensure the significance of the study.
    For this purpose, the researchers can evaluate the steps taken by the government for implementing “board
    diversity” in the corporate sectors of the country. “Coefficient analysis” is conducted in this aspect for
    determining the “standard error” and “beta”. However, a negative “T-value” is reflected in the statistical
    analysis. The “sig value” of 0.682 ensures a “statistical significance” in this study. The government can take
    crucial steps to enhance this sector’s overall turnover.

    Regression analysis between turnover percentage in 2007 and 2008
    Mean Std. Deviation N
    2007. 49.34<.td> 26.716 35
    2008. 49.63 25.652 35
    Table 8: Descriptive statistics

    The “average value” of “turnover percentage” in 2007 and 2008 are 49.34 and 49.63, respectively. In the
    “descriptive analysis”, the researchers evaluated the ” standard deviation “. It also measures the “central
    tendency” and “viability” in statistical analysis. The researchers can also identify the thoughts of the corporate
    sector regarding the diversification of the board. The corporate health of different sectors in the UK can be
    evaluated in this aspect. It also improves these sectors’ “shareholder performance” (Crowther, Davies and
    Cooper, 2018). It indicates that the monetary performance of the banking sector and retail sector meets the
    organizational standard of the country.

    2007 2008
    Pearson 2007. 1.000 .987
    Correlation 2008. .987 1.000
    Sig. (1-tailed) 2007. 000
    2008 000
    N 2007 25 35
    2008 35 35
    Table 9: Correlation

    The “correlation analysis” between the two variables has been conducted to evaluate the relationship between
    “turnover percentage” in 2007 and 2008. The “Pearson correlations” between the variables are identified as 1
    and 0.98, respectively. It also detects that there is a “significant relation” between the “dependent variable” and
    “independent variable”. The “correlation analysis” also identifies that there is a “statistical significance”
    detected in conducting the “statistical analysis”.


    In the methodology chapter, the deductive approach has been followed. The researchers in this aspect have
    used positivism philosophy. The researchers follow secondary quantitative data for the research. Thus, they
    have to conduct statistical analysis to evaluate the statistical significance of the research.
    In the data analysis, results and discussion chapter, secondary qualitative data has been used to conduct
    statistical analysis based on turnover percentage in different sectors and the overall turnover in the financial
    year 2015. SPSS has been used to conduct the data analysis for evaluating corporate performance.
    Descriptive statistics and regression analysis have been conducted in this aspect.
    Table of Contents


    • Portfolio: Research Methodology, Design, and Methods. 3
    • Introduction. 3
    • Research philosophy. 3
    • Research approach. 4
    • Research design. 5
    • Data sources and types. 5
    • Population and sampling. 6
    • Data collection process. 6
    • Data analysis. 6
    • Ethical consideration. 7
    • Summary. 7
    • Portfolio: Data Analysis, Results, and Discussion. 8
    • Introduction. 8
    • Analysis of secondary quantitative data. 8
    • Summary. 20
    • References. 21

    Portfolio: Research Methodology, Design, and Methods


    Research methodology is an essential chapter as it outlines the major methods that have been used for
    research work. The expected outcomes of the study can be reached properly by using the right methodology.
    The process of data collection and its analysis have been detailed in this section. The important ethics
    followed in the research work are also presented in this section.

    Research philosophy

    The research philosophy enables the researcher to conduct the research in the proper direction. The
    philosophies used in the research process include”realism, interpretivism and positivism”. In this research, the
    “positivism philosophy” has been used by the researchers for analyzing the major factors quantitatively
    (Bairagi and Munot, 2019). The philosophy has been appropriate for the study as it supports the different
    dimensions of research, and the outcomes are based on the proper data analysis. In this case, the
    researchers collected the dataset relevant to the research process and focused on the quantitative outcomes.

    Research approach

    Figure 1: Research approach

    The research approach is important for the research purpose as it helps the researchers support the data
    retrieved for supporting the objective of the research. The used approaches include the “inductive research
    approach” and “deductive research approach”. The researchers have considered using the deductive
    approach” as suitable. The deductive approach allows for developing conclusive evidence considering the
    aim and objectives. The approach also supports different theories for delivering positive outcomes (Machado
    and Davim, 2020). The research aims for determining the changing impact of the government directive on
    board diversity for enhancing corporate performance Therefore the quantitative data requires prior analysis
    board diversity for enhancing corporate performance. Therefore, the quantitative data requires prior analysis
    and theories to support the research work in this context. Thus, the deductive approach has been suitable for
    the researchers in terms of supporting the research.

    Research design

    Figure 2: Research design

    The research work needs to be conducted in a systematic method that can help in evaluating the positive
    outcomes. In this context, the right protocol needs to be selected for meeting the aims and objectives.
    Selection of the right research design in this aspect is crucial. The overall outcomes of the study and its
    effectiveness are dependent on the research design. The research designs that are available for research are
    “exploratory design, explanatory design and descriptive design”. The researchers have followed a “descriptive
    research design” as per the requirement of the study. The descriptive research design is rich and
    supportsrting the various factual aspects (Novikov and Novikov, 2019). The analysis of the topic can be done
    by considering the various perspectives, and outcomes can be managed accordingly.

    Data sources and types

    The data sources used for the research include the “primary and the secondary data”. The data types include
    the “qualitative” and the “quantitative data”. In this research work, the “secondary quantitative data”. The
    “secondary data” consists of the previously published information, and the data is extracted for the research
    analysis (Ledford and Gast, 2018). The process is effective for evaluating the existing factors supporting the
    research work. “Quantitative data”, including numerical data, are collected for the research work. Statistical
    data has been collected for the research purpose from reliable sources that helped meet the research
    objectives (, 2021). All the collected statistical data are related to the UK sectors and their
    performances in the past years.

    Population and sampling

    The population of the research needs to be selected properly to meet the research requirements. The sample
    is included from the selected population. The population in this aspect which is selected, includes a dataset
    of the UK corporate sectors. The research has a follower secondary quantitative process, and a “random
    sampling technique” has been used in this research. A random dataset has been selected from the identified
    segment of datasets for the research work. The sampling technique has been the most effective in
    maintaining the quality of research. The sample size of the research includes a dataset of the total turnover of
    the UK sectors for FY 2015. The dataset also includes the percentages generated by the individual sectors for
    each individual year.

    Data collection process

    The overall research outcomes have reliability on the data collection procedures. The data collection process
    has been evaluated to have a connection with the sampling process. The research includes using the
    secondary “quantitative data” that have led to the conduction of the statistical analysis (Bairagi and Munot,
    2019). In this case, the appropriate dataset has been selected from the authentication platform to maintain
    the research’s integrity. This helped in delivering the quality outcomes meeting the aim of the research. The
    dataset which is selected is relevant to the research topic. Furthermore, it has been ensured by the
    researchers that the dataset selected includes the right information and is from the latest source.

    Data analysis

    The data collected for the research purpose requires proper analysis to meet the research questions. Thus, it
    is necessary to develop an analysis plan that allows the researchers for proper analysis. The research
    includes a data analysis plan relevant to the data sources. In case of the “secondary quantitative data
    analysis”, statistical analysis has been performed in the dataset (Machado and Davim, 2020). The data
    analysis tool issued for the research is “SPSS”, which has helped perform the calculations. The dataset
    samples that have been selected have been imported into the SPSS windows, and analyses have been
    conducted. The different SPSS statistical functions have been used in this aspect to evaluate the results’
    effectiveness. Descriptive and regression analyses have been performed on the dataset to ensure that
    outcomes successfully meet the research aim.

    Ethical consideration

    The professional followed all the important ethics while conducting the research work. Following the ethics in
    research has helped sustain the integrity of the outcomes. In case of “secondary quantitative research”, the
    dataset, including the statistics of the UK sectors, have been collected by the researchers. Proper
    acknowledgements of the authorities have been given in the research work (Novikovand Novikov, 2019). In
    selecting the dataset, it has been ensured that the platforms are authentic. The collected dataset has been
    used for the research work only, and it was deleted after research work. The research dataset had limited
    accessibility for maintaining the privacy of data. Only the research professionals had access to the dataset.
    No values within the dataset have been manipulated and used in research work.


    All the important methods followed in research work are outlined in this section. The approach, philosophy,
    design and other research factors have been discussed. The discussions about the selection of data for
    research and its relevant analysis have also been done. “Secondary quantitative analysis” has been
    performed, including statistical analysis on the dataset. A sample dataset including the data of the turnover
    of the different sectors in the UK has been considered for the analysis purpose. The important ethics that are
    followed for maintaining data integrity are also provided in this section.

    Portfolio: Data Analysis, Results, and Discussion


    In this chapter, “statistical analysis” has been conducted as “secondary quantitative research”. In the present
    scenario, a detailed evaluation of the “corporate performance” of the UK corporate sector will be done. The
    researchers conducted “descriptive statistics” and “regression analysis” to evaluate the relationship between
    the variables. SPSS is used to conduct the “statistical analysis”.

    Analysis of secondary quantitative data

    The research is conducted by analyzing the “corporate performance” of different sectors of the UK. In the
    present scenario, the overall “turnover” generated by different sectors till 2015 has been evaluated. The
    “corporate performance” includes market performance, shareholder performance and financial performance
    (Ntim et al. 2015). In this aspect, the “statistical analysis” has been conducted based on the “financial
    performance” of the banking sector, manufacturing sector, fund management sector, telecom sector and
    utility sector. Based on different variables, “descriptive statistics” and “regression analysis” has been
    conducted to evaluate the “statistical significance” of the research. The overall “turnover” of the corporate
    sectors can be evaluated in this aspect.

    Figure 3: Year wise performance

    (Source: Self-developed)
    The targeted industry in the current scenario is the banking sector. The graph presents the year wise turnover
    for the financial year 2006 to 2015. Before the government directive, the industry performance was not
    improving. It can be observed from the graph that the banking industry turnover was 47 on an average. The
    industry was lacking a governance structure that can help in making decisions and forming strategies. No
    proper implementation of rules and regulations were present that have affected the daily operations.
    Implementation of the government directive led to improved turnover during the financial years 2014 and
    2015. The turnover in the financial years 2014 and 2015 was 48 and 50. Therefore, an increasing trend in the
    turnover has been observed with the implementation of the government directive. The government directive
    has brought in new structure and regulations that have helped in improving the business process (Homan et
    al. 2020).

    Descriptive statistics between “percentage of sector turnover” in 2006 and total turnover
    Descriptive Statistics N Minimum Maximum Mean Std.Deviation
    2006. 33 8 92 46.85 25.800
    Total_turnover_for_sector_2015_(£_billions) 36 10 590 174.17 212.029
    Valid N (listwise) 33
    Table 2: Descriptive Statistics

    Based on the “descriptive statistics”, it is determined that the “mean value” and “standard deviation” of
    “turnover percentage in 2008” are 49.63 and 25.65, respectively. On the other hand, the “mean value” and
    “standard deviation” of “overall turnover” is 174.17 and 212.02, respectively. In this aspect, the “variances” of
    the variables can be evaluated. The variances are calculated as 658.005 and 44956.429, respectively. The
    corporate performance in the broad market of the country can be determined by statistical analysis.

    Regression analysis between turnover percentage in 2015 and overall turnover
    Descriptive Statistics Mean Std.Deviation N
    2015 48.36 24.164 36
    Total_turnover_for_sector_2015_(£_billions) 174.17 212.029 36
    Table 3: Descriptive Statistics

    A detailed estimation of the relationship between “dependent variables” and “independent variables” can be
    done by regression analysis. In this research, the “average value” of “turnover percentage” and “overall
    turnover” can be determined. The averages are detected as 48.36 and 174.17, respectively. A brief analysis of
    “standard deviation” is also done to ensure the research’s “statistical significance”. It indicates that the
    monetary performance of the banking sector and retail sector is satisfactory for the country (Kiel and
    Nicholson, 2016). The researchers can also make relevant decisions based on the “financial analysis”.

    Correlations 2015 Total_turnover_for_sector_2015_(£_billions)
    Pearson 2015 1.000 -.071
    Correlation Total_turnover_for_sector_2015_(£_billions) -.071 1.000
    Sig. (1-detailed)2015 Total_turnover_for_sector_2015_(£_billions) 341 341
    N 2015 36 36
    Total_turnover_for_sector_2015_(£_billions) 36 36
    Table 4: Correlation

    The “correlation analysis” between the variables has been conducted to identify the relationship between
    “turnover percentage” and “overall turnover” in 2015. The researchers can also meet the “objectives” of the
    research by conducting “correlation analysis”. In this case, the “turnover percentage” is considered as a
    “dependent variable”, and “overall turnover” is considered as an “independent variable”. The analysis identified
    “Pearson correlations” between the variables as 1 and 0.07, respectively. It signifies that there is no “statistical
    relationship” between the variables. Thus, the corporate sector management has to take the necessary steps
    to cope with the changing impact of “government directive on board diversity”.

    Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate Change Statistics
    R Square Change F Change df1 df2 Sig. F Change
    1 .071a .005 -.024 24.455 .005 .171 1 34 .682
    Table 5: Model Summary

    In the “model summary”, it is detected that the “standard error” and “R square change” are 24.45 and 0.005,
    respectively. The researchers can identify the “F change” as 0.171. In this aspect, the researchers can
    evaluate the overall performance of the corporate sectors. The “statistical analysis” evaluates that the “fund
    management sector” and “trust funds” generate less turnover than the other sectors. It reflects on the
    “turnover percentage” from the financial year 2006 to 2015. The “model summary” also evaluates the
    significance of the statistical method conducted in this research (Cui and Hu, 2018).

    Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
    Regression 102.411 1 102.411 171 682b
    Residual 20333.894 34 598.056
    Total 20436.306 35
    Table 6: ANOVA

    The researchers conducted the “ANOVA test” to determine the variability in the “data set”. The “mean square”
    and “sig value” have been identified in this aspect. The “mean square” of the two variables is 102.41 and
    598.06, respectively. As the “sig value” is greater than 0.05, the “null hypothesis” has been rejected in this
    “statistical analysis”. It also ensures the “statistical significance” of this research. Based on the analysis, it is
    also determined that the organizational management can make relevant decisions regarding “board diversity”
    to improve the “corporate performance” of the sectors situated in the UK (Riyadh, Sukoharsono and Alfaiza,

    Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients T Sig. 95.0% Confidence Interval for B
    B Std.Error Beta Lower Bound Upper Bound
    (Constant) 49.766 5.305 9.381 000 38.985 60.547
    Total_turnover_for_sector_2015_(£_billions) -.008 -.019 -.071 -.414 .682 -.048 .032
    Table 7: Coefficient

    It is necessary for the researchers to meet the “research objectives” to ensure the significance of the study.
    For this purpose, the researchers can evaluate the steps taken by the government for implementing “board
    diversity” in the corporate sectors of the country. “Coefficient analysis” is conducted in this aspect for
    determining the “standard error” and “beta”. However, a negative “T-value” is reflected in the statistical
    analysis. The “sig value” of 0.682 ensures a “statistical significance” in this study. The government can take
    crucial steps to enhance this sector’s overall turnover.

    Regression analysis between turnover percentage in 2007 and 2008
    Mean Std. Deviation N
    2007. 49.34 26.716 35
    2008. 49.63 25.652 35
    Table 8: Descriptive statistics

    The “average value” of “turnover percentage” in 2007 and 2008 are 49.34 and 49.63, respectively. In the
    “descriptive analysis”, the researchers evaluated the ” standard deviation “. It also measures the “central
    tendency” and “viability” in statistical analysis. The researchers can also identify the thoughts of the corporate
    sector regarding the diversification of the board. The corporate health of different sectors in the UK can be
    evaluated in this aspect. It also improves these sectors’ “shareholder performance” (Crowther, Davies and
    Cooper, 2018). It indicates that the monetary performance of the banking sector and retail sector meets the
    organizational standard of the country.

    2007 2008
    Pearson 2007. 1.000 .987
    Correlation 2008. .987 1.000
    Sig. (1-tailed) 2007. 000
    2008 000
    N 2007 25 35
    2008 35 35
    Table 9: Correlation

    The “correlation analysis” between the two variables has been conducted to evaluate the relationship between
    “turnover percentage” in 2007 and 2008. The “Pearson correlations” between the variables are identified as 1
    and 0.98, respectively. It also detects that there is a “significant relation” between the “dependent variable” and
    “independent variable”. The “correlation analysis” also identifies that there is a “statistical significance”
    detected in conducting the “statistical analysis”.

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