What are the Best Foods to Prevent Cancer?


What are the Best Foods to Prevent Cancer?


Answer ( 1 )


    • Fruits
    Fruits such as grapefruit and orange are rich in vitamin C contain antioxidants that prevents the formation of cancer causing nitrogen compounds. These fruits reduce the risk of cancers of the stomach, colon, esophagus, bladder, breast and cervix. Citrus fruits reduce the risk of mouth, stomach and throat cancers by half. Berries such as raspberries, cranberries and blueberries top the list of fruits most likely to reduce cancer.
    • Fibre-rich foods
    Fibre rich foods such as whole grains, vegetables and fruits keep the food moving through the digestive tract and thereby ensure that the digestive system is kept clean. Hence, the cancer causing compounds are also pushed out of the system before they can accumulate and create any harm. Vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and so on are found to contain anti-cancer substances such as isothiocyanates. Root vegetables such as sweet potatoes are found to contain beta carotene, an extremely powerful antioxidant that reduces the risk of cancers such as lung, colon and stomach.
    • Garlic
    Garlic is found to contain sulphur compounds that stimulate the immune systems natural defence against cancer. It also has the potential to reduce the growth of tumours in our body.
    • Tea
    Tea contains compounds such as catechins that stops the growth of cancer cells and prevents cellular mutations that contribute to the growth of cancer. Consumption of tea is found to reduce the risk of stomach cancer. Tea such as green tea lowers the risk of developing rectal and pancreatic cancers. It also reduces the risk of colon, breast, ovarian, prostate, and lung cancers. Green tea, black tea and oolong tea all have cancer reduction properties so go ahead and have them daily.
    • Turmeric
    Turmeric is a spice containing Curcumin that works as an anti-inflammatory and an antioxidant. Turmeric helps prevent cancers such as breast cancer, colon cancer, stomach cancer, liver and lung cancer.
    • Flaxseed
    Ground flaxseed contains omega 3 fatty acids that may help prevent cancer by inhibiting cancer cell proliferation and disrupting steps that are critical to tumour growth.

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