Which is the best diet to follow?


Which is the best diet to follow?


Answer ( 1 )


    People are getting a lot more diet conscious today than they were before. There are many reasons for this. One such reason is the rise in obesity levels. There are many more reasons depending on each individual’s lifestyle habit and eating habits.
    There is no perfect diet that can be followed. A little bit of everything in moderation is recommended for most people unless they have other health issues. There are many diets that people are randomly trying out these days without knowing the consequences or benefits. One such popular diet is the GM Diet. Others are the palio diet, the tcm diet, MIND diet, DASH diet etc.
    Let us look into two popular ones briefly, to understand better –
    • GM Diet – the GM diet makes a lot of promises to lose weight in 7 days etc. this is a general statement and there is no way to ensure that everyone who follows this diet will lose weight in 7 days. This diet helps you lose 6.8 kg in one week, get rid of toxins, improve digestion and enhance your body’s ability to burn fat. Each day permits you to eat different types of diet. On day 1 you can eat only fruits, on day 2 only vegetables, on day 3 only fruits and vegetables, on day 4 only bananas and milk, on day 5 284 gm of beef, chicken, or fish and 6 tomatoes, day 6 284 gm of beef, chicken or fish and vegetables, and day 7 brown rice, fruits, fruit juice, and vegetables.
    • Paleo Diet – the Paleolithic diet or the caveman diet mainly focus on cutting modern foods from our diet and eat how people used to eat earlier. The diet also encourages you to exercise regularly while following a strict diet comprised of foods that can be hunted or gathered. This diet aims at eliminating high-fat and processed foods that have no nutritional value and too many calories. You are allowed to eat beef, pork, poultry, eggs, fish, fruit, non-starchy vegetables, nuts, olive oil and flaxseed oil.

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