Why are Government Jobs the Best


Why are Government Jobs the Best


Answer ( 1 )


    It is a common notion that Government Jobs are the Best for reasons such as job security, good salary packages and emoluments, no targets and basically lighter work load. Having a job you like and one that fits your profile the best is more important than favoring one Sector or the other. Retaining a job is another point for concern these days given the unstable job market. People in all segments are liable to be fired, Government or Private. Government jobs do have more job security compared to private companies, especially start ups. But that’s the risk you have to take. Make a conscious choice after being fully aware of what you are getting into.
    It is an honor to work for the Government and considered highly prestigious. On the other hand, people are also willing to risk job security for better and higher pay scales at private firms. At entry levels, State Government Jobs pay better than most others and the minimum education requirement is too much either. If you are looking at the benefits aspect, Government Jobs do score higher especially where women are concerned. Government jobs offer better flexibility in terms of maternity leaves and leaves in general. Medical is also taken care of by the Government for its employees through the Health Schemes that provide Medical at reasonable rates.
    Working in the Private Sector is definitely harder when you compare the longer work hours and amount of stress generated thereby. Non-performers have it hard in Private firms and this is changing in the Government Sector too. The DOPT is formulating guidelines to handle non-performers. But non-performance should not be tolerated anyway. Another thing to keep in mind is that even the Government is creating jobs that are on deputation basis and contractual. So permanency is now a thing of the past, no matter which sector you applying to. It makes more sense now to look at deeper aspects while applying to a job, rather than just Government or Private Sector jobs.

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